Faith and Mission



Kildare Ministries and Marian College is dedicated to achieving net zero emissions, a goal that aligns with global efforts to combat climate change. By reducing our carbon footprint and transitioning to renewable energy sources, we are taking a proactive stance on environmental sustainability.


Benefits for Students:Learning about net zero initiatives provides our students with valuable knowledge and skills that will equip them for the future. Here are some of the key benefits:


Environmental Awareness: Students develop a deeper understanding of climate change and its impacts on our planet. They learn about the importance of sustainable practices and the role they can play in protecting the environment.


Stewardship of Creation: Students develop a deeper understanding of God's creation and their role in caring for it. They learn about the importance of sustainable practices and the interconnectedness of all living things.


Critical Thinking: Engaging with net zero initiatives encourages students to think critically about complex environmental issues and develop problem-solving skills. They learn to evaluate different solutions and make informed decisions.

Spiritual Growth: Reflecting on the beauty and complexity of God's creation can deepen students' spiritual lives. By caring for the planet, they express their love for God and their gratitude for the gifts they have received.


Leadership and Citizenship: Students have the opportunity to become environmental leaders and advocates. By participating in net zero projects, they develop leadership skills, learn about community engagement, and contribute to positive change.


Career Opportunities: The transition to a low-carbon economy is creating new job opportunities in fields such as renewable energy, sustainable technology, and environmental consulting. By learning about net zero initiatives, students gain valuable skills that can prepare them for future careers.


By prioritising net zero initiatives, Marian is not only contributing to a more sustainable future but also providing our students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a changing world.

Students who attended the Kildare Ministries student seminar reflected on their experiences below.


The Net Zero seminar was an amazing opportunity for me and my peers to attain a different perspective on the world we live in. I was able to see the environment I live in in a spiritual light. It taught me that to make a difference in our environment, we need to fall in love with the world we live in first, and that’s by loving every small detail about our planet. Hearing everyone’s ideas from the other Kildare Ministries schools, has opened my eyes to new ways of understanding the world we live in. I am thankful for all the teachers that had made this possible.




I feel that the Net Zero Seminar was very informative and allowed us to obtain knowledge which will help us to reduce our school communities impact on the environment. Not only was the Seminar a great learning experience but we were able to meet many people and make many new friends which we were able to share ideas with. Overall, I would highly recommend the Seminar and believe that it was an excellent opportunity. Bella


On Wednesday, the 31st of July to the 1st of August, I was fortunate enough to be part of a group of Marian students that attended the Net Zero seminar at the Holy Cross Centre in Templestowe. I was able to meet some lovely people from other Kildare Ministries schools from across Australia, whilst learning about and discussing ways in which we can achieve Net Zero. It was eye opening to be able to hear other young people's views on climate change and how we collectively can work to make each of our schools a more sustainable space. The camp was overall a great opportunity to connect with like-minded students across Australia, and I would highly recommend it to anyone passionate about creating positive change in their community.




On the 30th of July, six students from Marian College travelled to Holy Cross Centre in Templestowe to participate in a Net Zero Seminar with other Kildare Ministries schools. It was an overnight seminar allowing students to create new friendships, socialize, and participate in activities that included leadership skills, environmental issues and solutions, connecting to God and the body, mind, and spirit. We met wonderful people who taught us a different perspective of the world. We shared many laughs, exchanged knowledge, and talked about adventures and pathways in life. 



On the 31ts of July to the 1st of August I was fortunate to attend a Kildare Ministries seminar and meet like-minded individuals who wish to also make a change in their school community.  On the two days we explored our spiritual connection to nature as well as the concept of becoming a “Net Zero society.” We also investigated the Laudato Si and Laudato Si goals which analyse the negative impacts of over consumerism, climate change and as a result calls us to take global action. As a team of passionate students, we will initially be working towards implementing aspects of the Laudato Si into our well-being/pastoral care lessons to bring awareness to our changing environment, here at Marian College. 


I really enjoyed participating in the activity “The council of all beings” where we grappled with viewing environmental impacts from the perspective of an animal. We were given the task of creating masks to represent an animal who is currently impacted from the effects of climate change. It was a rather fun activity as it allowed us to get creative with our masks. We then put our masks on and voiced the environmental concerns experienced by that animal. The common threats to these animals were droughts, fires and deforestation which all affect biodiversity in the environment. I also really enjoyed this activity as it promoted feelings of sympathy and empathy because as humans, we do not often reflect on how we have caused repercussions to the environment. 

I also enjoyed our morning walk as it promoted a sense of inner peace and connecting to nature. It allowed us to become grounded and seek comfort amongst the natural environment. The activity taught me the importance of just simply going outside and just separating your worries from yourself and putting them into perspective. Overall, I would just like to thank Mrs Jupp and Mrs Matejin who guided and supported us throughout the camp



We learned the many ways in which we could create a Net Zero world by creating a balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount that is removed from the atmosphere. We also understood and gathered information on the many species and organisms which were going extinct or were facing difficulties in their habitats. We then touched on the many ways we can prevent animals from having to face such challenges everyday, by creating a space where animals are  valued equally as humans. 
