Student Wellbeing

We are now heading towards the end part of Term 3 and we start to see a little more sun, the spring blossom starting to make an appearance, and we start to move out of the winter darkness we should recognise some of the work that has been happening over this term….


Parent Workshop with Caroline Chisholm Catholic College


On Tuesday 13th August with Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, we held a parent workshop with Maria Ruberto, well known Psychologist identifying the key aspects of how we develop Resilience in our young people.

Our parents who attended the evening walked away with very practical ways to support their children to deal with the stresses of everyday life and how to navigate and develop strategies to cope with these stresses. They also could identify practical ways to deal with anxiety and how to cope when it develops as a consequence of these stresses.

We look forward to finding other ways into the future of sharing resources with other schools such as Caroline Chisholm so that we can provide our families with many more practical skills when working with their adolescents.




Parent Child Safety Sub-Committee


Since our last Marian News, the committed members of our parent Child Safety sub-committee have meet again and looked at our policies that we as a school have in relation to Child Safety and our families felt that these policies were extensive, and offered insight into how we protect our children.

Before our next meeting, our members are now focussed in identifying ways in which we can engage other families in becoming more familiar with the work happening in this space for our young people.

We look forward to sharing with you in the future the continuation of their work.


Community Police Visiting


This week and later on in the term we will have the Community Police visit to speak during Wellbeing periods to our Years 9-12.


This Friday it will be our senior students and then it will be our Years 9 & 10 towards the end of the term, also in their Wellbeing period.


The Community Police covers topics such as social media and behaviour within the community and social issues such as vaping.


We look forward in the next edition of the Marian news of giving you an overview of what was discussed in the presentations.


The Community Police work closely with us and are a valuable resource for our school.



Student Leadership process for 2025 has started..

As we enter the second part of 2024, we have started our process for selection of our student leaders for 2025.


This process has started with students in Year 11 submitting their completed Leadership booklet that they were given in Year 10 that indicates that they would like to participate in the process.

We will now begin the organisation of our Leadership Day at the end of the term where we will discuss the process of selection of our Lamp Bearers and student leaders for next year.


We will in future editions of the Marian news share our progress in this process as we start our planning for 2025.


Now we need to remind our community of aspects that make our community a better place….


Uniform reminders


Sadly, over the course of this term we have found a number of members of our community who are struggling with our uniform expectations in relation to grooming such as false eyelashes or nails or facial piercings. This has required our Community Leaders and Director of Students to either withdrawal students or send them home to correct these concerns. This is not our first choice however; we have in a number of instances been left with no other option when our ability to negotiate and work through the problem becomes impossible. 

We thank all of our students and families that support our uniform expectations by ensuring that their students are in the correct uniform on a daily basis.


Attendance reminders


Thank you to all of our families that support our attendance processes by calling the school and confirming that their child is absent for the day and the reason why. 

Can we also remind families that if you know that your child has an appointment during the day and needs to leave early, that if they bring a note in the morning that this will be checked by their homeroom teacher and they will be given a leaving early pass that they will present at student reception when they depart. 

Finally, a government expectation is that all families explain their child’s absence when this occurs. We remind our families that our expectation is the government expectation.


We are now only a few days before we enter September and near the end of term 3. It is hard to believe that term 4 is just around the corner. How time flies… in the meantime take care of yourself and your wellbeing and check on a friend to see how they are travelling as well. 


The strength of a community is its collective wellbeing …


Kerrie Williams – Assistant to the Principal - Wellbeing