Legal Studies

From 20 March 2020 until 21 October 2021, Victoria was in a series of lockdowns thanks to COVID-19. This would see subjects like Legal Studies taught online seeing students staying home and learning the curriculum via their laptops. This was obviously not ideal for learning nor the student’s well-being.
With this said it was great to finally see the resumption of school excursions, especially when it comes to subjects like Legal Studies at Tarneit Senior College, where students appreciate the opportunity to get out of the classroom and go on excursions to either the courts or the Parliament of Victoria.
On the 31st of July 2023, Cameron Dunne took his Year 12 Legal Studies class to the Parliament of Victoria, “It was quite poignant seeing the students’ reactions to being in the city let alone the Parliament building itself, I don’t think, I truly knew the social effects of COVID lockdown had on my students, than when, I took them on this excursion.”
On Monday 21st August 2023 Amelia Amuso took her Year 12 Legal Studies class to the Parliament of Victora, the following students had this to say about their experiences.
Abdullah Zulfiqaar Ahmed of 12J had the following to say about his experience at Parliament:
The Legal Studies excursion was a brilliant method for us, as students, to further understand the role of the parliament in Australia's legal system. Our class met up at the station and boarded a coach together heading towards Melbourne's CBD where we then caught tram to The Parliament of Victoria. After going through the rigorous security necessary to enter the parliament, our tour guide introduced himself and the general role of the Parliament. One key factor that he explained was that the Parliament is a building owned by the people and anyone can enter the Parliament regardless of age, gender and race. He also explained how the Parliament too needs to follow the laws that it alters and passes, hinting that truly no body or individual is above the law. We then witnessed a role play of how the Parliament discussions are held, concluding our time at the parliament in a joyous manner. Our lovely teacher then gave us the permission to get food on our own, winding up our time in the city. We then boarded a train to get back to Tarneit Station. All in all it was a lovely trip which only enhanced our knowledge about the boring, yet essential role of the Parliament.
Maddy Miller of 11P said the following:
The overall day was a 8.5/10 experience, I loved being toured around parliament and being taken through all the history of how and when parliament came about, and its adaptations from over the many years. We watched a roleplay of years 5 to 6 debates and reenacting about the Plastic straw 2022 bill, which was a great viewing point to bring not only us the idea of how an actual debate looks, but also the little kids. We also got to see the library, where we saw different books of red and green which separated the different courts. Overall, it was a great experience besides the weather, and I would recommend for the excursion to happen again!
If you are interested in politics and the law please consider doing Legal Studies and Politics as a VCE subject in 2024, you won't regret your decision.