Wednesday 13 September
Three Way Conferences
Thursday 14 September
R U OK? Day
Friday 15 September
Footy Colours Day
Staff VS Student Volleyball - lunchtime
End of Term 3
Monday 2 October
First day of Term 4
Thursday 12 October
Last Day Year 12 classes
- Breakfast and uniform signing from 7.30am
- Classes as normal
- Lunchtime Staff vs Student Sport Match
Friday 13 October
Year 12 Festivities Day
Monday 16 October
Staff Professional Development Day - STUDENT FREE DAY
Tuesday 24 October
VCAA Written Exams (24 Oct to 15 Nov)
Tuesday 7 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Wednesday 8 November
Year 11 Exams (8 to 13)
Wednesday 15 November
2024 Year 12 Retreat
Monday 20 November
Step Up Program (20 Nov to 1 Dec)
Thursday 7 December
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
Term 3 Activities
The VCE students have been involved in a wide range of activities this term. Many thanks to our School Captains, Year 11 and 12 Captains, Zoe Haydon (Year 11) and Chloe Cross (Year 12 VCAL) for contributing their reflections on the following activities.....
VCE Outdoor Education Snow Camp
We would like to thank Zoe Haydon who attended the VCE Outdoor Education Snow Camp and wrote a great reflection of the experiences of herself and fellow Outdoor Education Students.
For the last ODE camp of the year we went to Mount Buller and Mount Sterling to partake in different types of snow activities.
On Monday morning we woke up bright and early to get to school at 6 am for our downhill skiing lesson at Mount Buller. We enjoyed a full day of skiing in great conditions around Buller, trialing different runs and trying not to fall over.
On Tuesday, we had another sunny day where we went to Mount Sterling to snowshoe, stopping for lunch at the cricket pitch for some snow play where we had a snowball fight and made some beautiful snowmen. That evening we had a MasterChef competition where 2 teams competed, the girls making a risotto and smores which went head to head with the boys loaded potatoes; with the girls coming out victorious.
On the last day once again we woke up bright and early packing down our frosted tents to complete a 3 hour cross country ski tour at Mount Sterling. We practised our skills by trying to stay upright while completing obstacle courses and going up and down icy hills.
We want to give a big thanks to the teachers that came on our last adventure for the year; Ms Edwards, Ms Harvey, Mr Tulett and Ash.
VCE Arts Camp
Many thanks go to Noah Vincent for writing up his reflection of the experiences of our students on the VCE Arts Camp.
On Wednesday the 26th of July, the VCE Arts students made their way down to Portsea for a 2 night camp where we spent a couple days working and having fun. We all went off into our separate classes to do various activities and workshops, as well as occasionally having some free time to go down and enjoy the beach!
The highlight of the camp had to be the disco held on the first night with the theme of ‘decades’. We cleared out the dining hall and dressed up as a different decade and danced to music from a variety of decades. A huge thank you to Mr Bleakley for being DJ for the night and keeping us very entertained as always.
We spent our last night on camp in the main hall where there was a showcase held displaying the work the students had done over the previous days. These presentations ranged from paintings and drawings to musical and theatrical performances. A huge thank you to all the staff that worked hard to organise the camp and make it what it was.
Senior School Ski Camp
Caitlin Atwill captured the experience of all the VCE students who attended the Senior School Ski Camp beautifully. Thank you very much Caitlin for sharing your experiences!
From 30th July to 1st August, a group of 33 Year 12 students were fortunate enough to spend a few days at Mt Hotham. Most of us were only beginners and had never snowboarded or skied before, so it was really exciting to hit the slopes for the first time. We were treated to some amazing weather with blue skies and the sun shining!
We were able to pick between either skiing or snowboarding on the trip. We had some lessons to get us up to speed with the basics before we all hopped on the ski lift to get to the top of the mountain, which had an incredible view. Although skiing and snowboarding were both way more challenging than it appeared, we all eventually got the hang of it and had a great time heading up and down the different slopes and runs.
Our days were broken up with lunch at Ziggy's Restaurant and hot chocolates at the Birdy Cafe, with many spending the evenings playing a round of pool or a card game before getting some sleep after a busy day. And of course we ended the trip with a stop at Maccas for dinner and a bus trip filled with laughter, but also many tired students.
Thanks so much to Mr Neumann for organising the trip, as well as Miss Wyatt, Miss Younger and Mr Robertson for helping out on the camp. It was an amazing experience that we will never forget and is sure to be the highlight of Year 12 for many!
Yarra Ranges Special Developmental School Excursion
Many thanks Chloe Cross (Year 12) for writing up your reflection of the experiences of our VCAL students at the Yarra Ranges Special Developmental School excursion.
This term on the 24th and 31st July, the VCAL class was lucky enough to experience a visit with the Year 12s at Yarra Ranges Special Developmental School. At the school we met some lovely students that had such positive greetings and happy smiles.
The main activities we got to experience with them were sports and arts. Some of the activities included on this day were hand movements with Play Doh, tracing and drawing, tiggy around the clock, hula hoop throw and in particular my favourite was the cone dodgeball.
We all enjoyed this day out and can’t wait to host a day for them at LHS. Overall, it was such a positive outcome and it felt so rewarding for all of us.
Another great highlight of Term 3 for PDS was wheelchair basketball!! We enjoyed this very much and everyone was so interactive. Even though it was a bit difficult, I think it put it in perspective for us how hard it actually is.
Our special speaker and coach was Peter, who unfortunately suffered from Polio growing up in Nigeria which led to his legs becoming paralyzed, but he had such a positive attitude to life and gave us some great life experience and lessons. He was really motivating towards us all and we couldn't have been more grateful to have him come in for the afternoon.
Year 12 Pyjama Day
We would like to thank our Year 12 Captains Kristy Michael and Ky Harris for their contributions to our school newsletter.
Pyjama Day was a hit! It has to be one of the best days of Year 12. Who doesn’t love cruising through the day in comfort. The school grounds were definitely brightened up by all the different coloured pyjama bottoms and oodies.
Year 12 Wellbeing Day
We started off the day with some fun activities such as the lake walk, making pancakes, PE games and Art activities. The pancakes were the highlight of my day. Who knew Nutella came in a squeezy bottle.
We were then very lucky to have previous Year 12 students speak about their Year 12 experience and also what Uni, Tafe and work life after high school is like.
We finished off the day with a pizza lunch and a movie. Overall it was a great, relaxing day!
Kristy Michael
Athletics Day
The Athletics Carnival was an absolutely amazing day highlighting many achievements throughout the track and field events. For the Year 12’s especially this was such a fun experience to show off all the colours and costumes worn.
The points were gathered across the day and the team who gained the most points was DEAKIN.
Ky Harris
Synchrotron Physics Excursion
We started the day in the lab where we conducted the single and double slit experiment. We also had the opportunity to learn more about the photoelectric effect and investigate metal vapour lamps.
After lunch, we took a tour of the Synchrotron. Our lovely tour guide explained the mechanism and purpose of each section and dove into all the ways the Synchrotron helps society. For example, the Synchrotron allows hospitals to have highly detailed medical imaging.
A big thank you to Mr Beal for organising the excursion. It was truly a fantastic experience!
Kristy Michael
Book Week
Book Week was fantastic! We got to dress up as our favourite book character and it was lovely to see all the colourful and creative costumes. There was also a sausage sizzle and a cupcake sale.
On Thursday there was a book trivia competition during lunchtime and prizes were awarded. Friday was a very busy day with the second-hand book sale.
Throughout the week, we had lovely volunteers from the community and even a couple of VCE students read to Year 7s. There was also a writing competition which asked students to write a piece on the topics ‘Read, Grow and Inspire.” Congratulations to Charlotte Verdugo who received first place and to Mia Warner and Summer Johnston for achieving runners up. The English Captains and I were incredibly happy with the submissions, there were some fantastic pieces and everyone who participated in the challenge should be really proud.
Well done to Ms Kilkenny, the English Captains (Rose and Siobhan), and other members of the Book Week committee, the reading space was decorated beautifully and Book Week was fabulous!
Kristy Michael
Year 11 Philosophy
Students delved deeply into the ethical implications of billionaires, AI and art, pet ownership, the death penalty, military applications of AI, freedom of speech, online identity, gun control, TikTok addiction, the music industry, the age of criminal responsibility, paparazzi, modern privacy, and the pension age in France.
Each student demonstrated our core values of empathy and reflection, showcasing their capacity to constructively engage with the complex debates of our time.
Well done, philosophers.
Mr Morgan
Year 12 Revision Lectures
Revision lectures have started for any student completing a Unit 3/4 subject this year.
Each subject that is conducting a revision lecture has an event available on Compass with any associated costs.
Practice Exams
Throughout the holiday break, there are practice exams that will be running for all Unit 3/4 subjects.
We are encouraging all students completing these subjects to attend as it is an opportunity to complete an exam under the same conditions that they will in a few weeks time. It is also a valuable chance to get some feedback and understanding of areas that you may need to revise.
Valedictory Dinner
Thursday 7 December
The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner celebrates graduates’ academic achievements and dedication to their studies over 13 years of schooling.
This year, the dinner will be held at Leonda By The Yarra, Hawthorn.
Dress: Formal or Lounge
Time: 6.15 pm till 11.00 pm
Tickets for the evening have now CLOSED.
VCE Coordinators