Crazy Milkshake Day
Thursday 10 August
Eight students from Ms Legg's Year 9 Community Time Cafe class ran the LHS Cafe. Students and staff were able to purchase a variety of milkshakes (banana, chocolate, strawberry and caramel), chocolate chip cookies and mixed berry muffins.
The students did a FABULOUS job! Well done to Emily, Mia, Jay, Brodie, David, Jordan, Kooper and Charlotte.
Happy 70th Birthday to our AMAZING Miss Hari
Thursday 24 August
Early in August, the Year 9 Community Time Café class got wind that it was Miss Hari’s birthday. They all started telling stories about how Miss Hari has helped each and every one of them over the years.
Stories included, giving them a pen, finding them some food when they forgot their lunch, lending them her own computer when theirs went flat unexpectedly, giving them some tissues, charging their laptops with her own charger, and finding them a jacket when it was unexpectedly cold.
The wonderful and heartfelt stories went on and on. They decided as a class, they didn’t want to let this big day go past without celebrating all things ‘Miss Hari.’
So, a menu was discussed, party food was ordered and produced, birthday cards were written, all the invitations were hand delivered to the staff and an amazing Spiced Apple Birthday Cake was baked by Paula Walton.
Every single student wanted to be part of this special day and show Miss Hari what she means not only to them, but our whole LHS community.
A big thank you to Miss Seelig that helped Jas (9G) make countless hot drinks.
Thank you also to Paula, Frances and Karen in the Food Department.
And most importantly, to the Year 9 Community Time Café Class, you have gone above and beyond and I’m proud of you all.
Happy Birthday Miss Hari. We all LOVE you!
Kate Legg