UR Strong

Our UR Strong Friendology program is off to a great start throughout our school. Here are a few updates on what each year level have learnt.



In 1/2 we have learnt about how to be a BFF to ourselves, how to name and tame our feelings and how to make new friends and ask a friend to play. We are enjoying being friendship ninjas!



In the Grade 3 / 4 our first lesson was titled “Inner-Ninja”. We discussed how friendships can be a rollercoaster ride and that there are ups and downs to how we are feeling about them. These feeling are normal.

We also looked at how important it is to look after ourselves in order to be a good friend. We need to be kind to our self, be brave and honest. We have to ensure that we eat healthy food, be active for at least 1 hour a day and make sure we get enough sleep.

The students also made a “Shoe Bag” to describe their personality traits.  They selected 2 or 3 shoe templates and created/designed/decorated each shoe to prompt discussions about themselves.  These shoe bags look awesome.

Looking forward to our next lesson titled “Making new Friends”.



In the 5/6 classrooms we have learnt about Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs), and how to squash them with positive self-talk. We have discussed the four Friendship Facts, as well as how to identify healthy and unhealthy friendships using the Friend-O-Meter.