From the Principal Team
Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series at RNPS
MAV Maths Games Day
On Wednesday 16th August, Ringwood North PS hosted our first Maths Games Day, which was run through the Maths Association of Victoria (MAV). It was amazing to watch our students happily ‘play’ with numbers, learn from their mistakes, use mathematical language + knowledge and refine their strategies as they progressed. The theme of the day was Courage, Creativity and Collaboration and there was a clear focus on process over product, which we loved!
The day paired really nicely with the work our teachers have been doing with Rob Proffitt-White from The Learner First this year. Andrew, our host from Think Square, is a passionate educator and inventor who relentlessly creates unique ways to spread a love of mathematics. He was wowed by Paul Gong (6O) solving the 'Moneybox' challenge quicker than he could! Andrew’s desire to build skills and confidence in his students has seen him develop Think Square (a suite of hands-on maths games), Mirrogram (the world’s first reflective clothing line) and Skillhouettes (an app to track and record motor skill development).
The students (and teachers) were highly engaged all day!
A huge congratulations to Maksim, Nash, Zach and Oliver for finishing in 2nd Place! Well done!
Grades 1 & 2 'Maths Quest'
Selected students from Grades 1 and 2 have been extending their mathematical understanding and reasoning during our Maths Quest sessions each Thursday.
This week, the students had a go at one of the games played during Maths Games Day, using their fluency when adding odd and even numbers.
Well done to those students who were able to crack the code, but a special pat on the back to all of the students for showing excellent perseverance for the entire session.
VHAP Masterclass
Students who have participated or are currently participating in the Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP) are to be provided with the opportunity to meet other students in their local area who are undertaking the same course, in a face-to-face masterclass. We have paired up with Heathmont East Primary School to provide our students with 2 masterclasses this semester. The first will be held at Heathmont East PS this Friday 25th August and the second at Ringwood North PS in Term 4 (date TBC). The masterclass gives students a chance to share and reflect upon their experience and knowledge gained from VHAP with other like-minded peers in both Maths and English.
The students will be guided through activities related to the content they covered in their VHAP sessions in either Literacy or Numeracy.
We're looking forward to hearing all about it when the students return at lunch! Have a great time!
ICAS Assessments
It has been really impressive to watch our students persist and think critically during the ICAS Assessment period. So far we have completed the Writing, English, Science and Spelling Bee assessments. The students have been so well organised, arriving promptly to each session with everything they need, including a positive attitude in order to set them up for success. The final assessment, Maths, is next Tuesday at 11:30am.
Results and certificates will be awarded at assembly once they arrive at school. Notice will be given via Compass and the Oban Oracle.
Keep your eyes peeled next year for all the information about the 2024 testing period if you think this might be something that interests your child/ren.
Student Achievements in the Community
Our House Captains are running a new segment at our weekly whole-school assemblies where they will be sharing the various achievements of RNPS students out and about in the community. We invite our families to please pass on any exciting happenings (MVP awards, grand final wins, Scout/Guides badges, martial arts belts etc) to the school email, or directly to me (Mrs Trend) via Compass.
It was great to congratulate and celebrate our students involved in the North Ringwood Junior FC Under 11 Red Grand Final win. Well done to Joel, Rhyley, Raphael, Jack and Jai!
Book Week 2023
Please see the 'Book Week' tab for all of the important information about Book Week at RNPS. This includes the incursion, dress up day and assembly arrangements.
Student Illness
Just a reminder that if your child is unwell, please keep them home until symptom free.
School Pick-Up Zone
Please be aware that the pick-up & drop-off zone at the front of the school is only to be used for quick dropping off & picking up of students. Vehicles must not be parked in this lane, as it stops the flow of cars. This means that parents/carers are not permitted to leave their vehicle. The local council has advised us that they have parking officers who regularly drive around the schools in our area to monitor this and issue postal fines. Please be mindful of these rules, as we do not want any one in our community to be issued with any fines.
School Uniform
In accordance with the Department of Education and Training guidelines the School Council of Ringwood North Primary School introduced compulsory school uniform. All students of the school will wear the correct uniform at all times. Waterproof jackets and coats are acceptable outside during break times.
Enrolments Open
If you have friends, neighbours or family members whose children are starting school next year, please encourage them to choose RNPS. Each Prep enrolment in future years helps ensure the continued provision of programs and services for all students year-after-year.