Achievement Awards

The following Achievement awards will be handed out at assembly, this Friday at 3:00pm in the JCB.


FKH - Mason B - for working hard to learn and use alliteration in his writing.

FKH - Archie N - for being a kind ad caring class member.

F/1KB - Mia D - for trying her hardest to improve her writing.

1/2BV - Lylah L - for working fo hard in maths.

1/2BV - Kayley P - 1/2BV Star of the week.

1/2BV - Scout C - for outstanding inquiry work.

1/2CS - William S - for making excellent choices and listening well on the mat.

1/2CS - Sophie G - for walywas putting in a big effort for all learning tasks.

1/2TT - Pat D - for taking great care and pride in his writers' festival work. Well done!

1/2TT - Gray M - for writing incredible stories! Great job!

3/4BM - Edith P - for her amazing research about jellyfish and Palau.

3/4BM - Alex W - for his thorough research and project about Tuvalu.

3/4VW - Holly M - for her extra effort in completing her project. Well done!

3/4VW - Leni S - for working hard to complete your project.

3/4MS - Monique P - for her wonderful efforts, building upon her reading skills at home and at school.

3/4MS - Anja E - for the excellent effort she has put into both of her country projects.

5/6GP - Eva W - for being a reflective and proactive learner in maths.

5/6GP - Emmanuel A - for displaying courage and leadership.

5/6AB - Zoey H - for always being bright and joyous in class.

5/6AB - Rylan K - for an excellent futeristic dystopian story.


Visual Art:

William E-R - F/1KB - for being positive and participating in visual art.

Harrison J - F/1KB - for always striving to be his best in visual art.

3/4MS - Everyone for being hard working and talented artists.



Got Ya’s 

Maggie S – Bourke – for helping with the bins. 

Maggie M – Hume – for being helpful. 

Pip B – Bourke – for helping her teacher.

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