Parents Club

Parents Club will be holding a Trivia Night on Saturday 21st October.
Further details to come including booking link so stay tuned!
Theme - "Something Famous" or "Something Fabulous"
Tables of 8 - start getting your teams together now!
'Growing Up Online' - Parent Session .
NLPS invites parents to an educational and empowering session about the benefits of growing up online, and what parents and carers need to be aware of.
The session will be covering topics such as:
- reality & risk
- online grooming
- cyberbullying
- sharing nudes
- problematic gaming
- exposure to damaging content
- and top tip
- question time
Susan McLean is Australia's foremost expert in the area of Cybersafety and young people. She was the first Victorian Police Officer appointed to a position involving Cybersafety & young people. Susan took her first report of cyberbullying in 1994 and since then has conducted extensive research and has completed advanced training and tertiary studies in both the USA and UK. She has authored resources for the Victorian Dept. of Education & Training, writes and reviews school policies, provides crisis management/advice to schools and to national and international companies. Susan is the most highly qualified & experienced presenter in Australia and is internationally renowned.
- When - Monday 30th October - 7pm to 8pm
- Where - NLPS Multi Purpose Room
- Bookings essential via CompassTix -
- This is an adult only session - no child minding is available
Uniform News
Yellow Top Recycling Program
We would like to remind families that this is the final year that the 'old' yellow short sleeve and long sleeve polo tops can be worn by students. It is expected that all NLPS students will wear the blue short or long sleeve polo tops (available from DCS Uniform) from Term 1, 2024.
All other 'old' uniform items can be continued to be worn and it is intended that these will phase out over time.
We have partnered with uniform recycling service 'Upparel' to provide families with a sustainable way to dispose of their yellow tops. From the start of Term 3, a tub will be available at the front office for families to leave their yellow tops only for recycling.
To find out more about Upparel and their sustainable approach to textile recycling you can visit
What is Parents Club?
The aim of our Parents Club is to bring the NLPS community together while having some fun. We raise funds for school equipment, resources for the children and also charities in our community. Some events that we run include:
- Second Hand Uniform Sale
- Cake Stall
- Parent Social Nights
- Icy Pole Day
- Weekly Fresh Fruit Platter for Prep-Year 2
- Mothers & Fathers Day Celebrations
- World Teachers Day Celebration
- New Prep Student Play Dates
Parents Club is a great way to get involved with the school community, meet other parents & give back to our wonderful school. To get involved please contact us via email
Parent Club Meetings
Parent Club meets each month. Meetings are usually held at The Junction Hotel at 7pm. All NLPS parents & carers are welcome to attend.
- Wednesday August 23rd
- Thursday October 12th
- Wednesday November 8th
- Monday December 18th