Whole School News

Literary Lights
On Wednesday 16th, we celebrated the amazing writing of our wonderful students with the legendary NLPS tradition of Literary Lights. Classes have worked on their books for months, brainstorming ideas, drafting their stories, spending time editing and revising them to make them the best they can be, and then publishing them with beautiful illustrations. The quality of the stories and illustrations is absolutely mind blowing.
The students came to school ready to settle into a day of winter fun in their pjs and oodies. During the day, they worked with a different year level buddy to make snowmen biscuits, fitting in with our cosy winter theme. Classes were decorated with crackling fireplaces and snowflakes and the books were made ready for display
In the afternoon, families were invited to come to school and share and celebrate their child’s book in the classroom. Some brave students even presented an extract from their books in the library or outside to an audience. It was a wonderful afternoon, with a great community feel. Nothing can beat seeing the excitement and pride on the student’s faces as they shared their stories, the culmination of all their ideas and efforts. We hope all families enjoyed curling up with a good book to beat those winter blues!
Library News
Book Week
Book Week is approaching and NLPS will be celebrating from August 21st to August 25th.
Our Book Week parade will be happening on Wednesday 23rd of August where students and teachers are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book characters. Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend the parade on Wednesday and we aim to start from 9.10AM. Some prizes will be up for grabs for the best dressed keeping in mind this year’s theme: Read, Grow, Inspire.
Lombards Altona Book Week Discount Voucher
As book Week is fast approaching, we know how crazy it can be with kids and carers to find Costumes or even accessories for Book Week. So here at Lombard Altona, we wanted to reach out to our local community to offer your students and families a 10% discount on any costumes or accessories. We have over 1,000 costumes and accessories to choose from! Just bring in the voucher attached to Altona (Millers Junction) Lombards
Book Fair - More Helpers Needed (Especially for Weds 23rd)
During Book Week Newport Lakes Primary School will be holding a Book Fair where students can come in and have the opportunity to purchase a range of Scholastic books if they would like. For this to operate successfully we require the services of some very willing adult helpers. Volunteers will require a current Working with Children's Check and complete the Volunteer/Child Safe and OH&S Inductions with the front office.
There has been a slight change of date to our book fair. Due to scholastic not being able to guarantee the arrival time of the shelves and books on Monday August 21st , Book Fair dates and times will be as follows:
- Tuesday 22nd - 8.30AM to 8.55AM and 3.30 to 4.00 PM
- Wednesday 23rd - 8.30AM to 8.55AM and 3.30 to 4.00 PM
- Thursday 24th - 8.30AM to 8.55AM and 3.30 to 4.00 PM
- Friday 25th - 8.30AM to 8.55AM (no PM).
Parent Volunteers are still required for Tuesday before school as well as Wednesday before & after school. If you are able to assist, please contact Krissy Barr (Library)
Happy Reading 😊
OK2BEME Parent Session & Morning Tea
As part of our school’s commitment to inclusion and celebrating differences, including around backgrounds, brains and bodies, our OK2BEME Day is happening in Week 1 of Term 4. As part of the week, we are hosting a special event for parents. The focus is for parents who have neurodivergent (and suspected neurodivergent) children, however, anyone who is interested in learning more about neurodiversity is welcome to attend. The event will be a mix of an information session, provided by Chrissie Davies, and a social opportunity to meet and connect with other parents of neurodivergent children over morning tea. Chrissie presented our well attended after hours parent information session last term ‘What do you see when you look at me?’ and will be speaking on other, related topics around parenting children that are neurodivergent. As a school we hope that by building the connections within our community it will help to improve wellbeing for all, so that our children can experience true inclusion which honours and respects the richness of neurodiversity.
- WHEN: Friday, October 6th 9:00-10:45am
- WHERE: Multipurpose Room, NLPS
Bookings essential for catering purposes on CompassTix - https://compasstix.com/e/x4m8twn1ob
'Growing Up Online' - Parent Session .
NLPS invites parents to an educational and empowering session about the benefits of growing up online, and what parents and carers need to be aware of.
The session will be covering topics such as:
- reality & risk
- online grooming
- cyberbullying
- sharing nudes
- problematic gaming
- exposure to damaging content
- and top tip
- question time
Susan McLean is Australia's foremost expert in the area of Cybersafety and young people. She was the first Victorian Police Officer appointed to a position involving Cybersafety & young people. Susan took her first report of cyberbullying in 1994 and since then has conducted extensive research and has completed advanced training and tertiary studies in both the USA and UK. She has authored resources for the Victorian Dept. of Education & Training, writes and reviews school policies, provides crisis management/advice to schools and to national and international companies. Susan is the most highly qualified & experienced presenter in Australia and is internationally renowned.
- When - Monday 30th October - 7pm to 8pm
- Where - NLPS Multi Purpose Room
- Bookings essential via CompassTix - https://compasstix.com/e/ocgvm3hojn
- This is an adult only session - no child minding is available
Junior School Council
Food Drive for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC)
The JSC would like to thank the NLPS community for their amazing contributions towards our canned food drive for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC)! We collected approximately $4000 worth of canned foods (that’s six carloads of cans 😊).
The ASRC Foodbank were extremely grateful and commented that we had really made a difference for the 1600 refugees they support fortnightly. All food donated went straight onto the shelves of the Foodbank and into families' pantries.
National Day of Action against Bullying
Join us as we participate in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) on Friday 18 August 2023.
This year, the NDA’s theme is: Growing connections with each other, with our schools and our communities to create positive action for Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative. The NDA is an important day in our school calendar to say ‘Bullying. No Way!’.
Research has shown that a sense of connection to school supports the development of positive social behaviours and decreases the likelihood and negative impacts of bullying. Growing connections helps students feel accepted, respected, included, and supported. The 2023 NDA theme offers an opportunity to increase student connectedness and sense of belonging. Together we can make a change. Everyone has a role to play for bullying prevention.
School Dental Program - Smile Squad
In the coming days your child will receive a Smile Squad dental pack. The pack includes all the tools your child needs for good oral health – a full sized tube of toothpaste, a toothbrush and a brochure full of helpful hints and tips for a healthy smile.
Smile Squad is a Victorian Government program that provides free dental care to eligible primary, secondary and specialist school students enrolled in government schools across Victoria. For more information on the program, you can visit the Smile Squad website at: www.smilesquad.vic.gov.au
Visual Arts News
2023 Art Show
The Art Show Opening Day will be held on Wednesday 8th November 8am to 9am with a gold coin donation required.
Come and visit the exhibition in the NLPS Gym daily from 8am - 9am and 3:30pm - 4:30pm on Wednesday 8th November through to Friday 10th November.