Physical Education

Hi Families,
I hope you have all had a lovely break and are refreshed and ready for a great final term.
District Cricket
Congratulations to all of the students that attended our last District sport event for the year - Cricket Blast.
We had 39 (4 teams) students put their hand up to want to be involved which was fabulous to see, especially due to weather and other circumstances, we weren't able to get much practice in.
Our girls team and our boys/mixed team came away with an overall win and will be progressing to the Division Cricket day on Thursday 26th October. Thank you to Sarah Plunkett, Antoinette and Craig Brooks for coming along and managing/coaching/scoring for your team, it is always greatly appreciated.
Division Volleyball and Basketball
We wish our Year 6 Basketball team and the Girls and Mixed Volleyball teams all the best today as they participate in the Division Finals for these sports. Thank you to Sarah Plunkett, Josh Crowe and Michael McMahon for coaching and managing these students for the day.
Basketball Tops
I am still missing a few basketball tops from our District days, could you please get your child to bring these back and pop in the tub outside my office, this would be greatly appreciated so we can continue to provide these for our students for these programs.
Division Athletics
Wishing everyone the best of luck for Division Athletics on Wednesday also. If you could make sure that your money has been handed in to your year level teachers on a marked envelope, that would be greatly appreciated.
Twilight Sports
Is being held at Burwood Track on Wednesday 1st November, further details to be advised as we get closer to the evening.
Have a great week ahead
Catherine Wall
Health and PE Teacher
Sport Coordinator