P & F Newsletter

Hi St James Families,
The final term of 2023 is here and while there are a few events left for the P&F and much to plan for 2024 a big focus of this term is on our Fete, the St John’s Parish Fete on Saturday 18th November!
A big thank you to those who came to share a quick cuppa in the community Centre on Monday Morning to start off our last term of 2023! Thanks to Emily Bent, Alexis Mitchell and Clemi Kohombanwickremage or running the morning tea and Nicole Spezza and Ebony Soane for coordinating the secondhand uniform stall. Remember if you have any outgrown uniforms in Good and Clean Condition please consider donating to the Uniform Stall by dropping them to the office.
P&F MEETING- Monday 16th October at 9am in the Multiple Purpose Room
It's been a while since the last meeting so thought it was time for another. It's a chance to get involved, share your feedback and help continue to build a strong community at St James. We still aim to have half our meetings on a morning and half of an evening to try to cater to the different needs and availability of parents but happy to consider any feedback on this. We would love to see you there.
For those who may not have seen the P&F email in the last week of the holidays I did want to acknowledge here the hard work and brilliant planning of the Grade 3 Disco Team who put on a great night for our kids in the last week of term. The team of 4, Amy Dougherty, Amy Dipierdomenico, Nadia Harris and Penny Conduit put a lot of thought and carefully documented organisation into the night, so it ran smoothly and considered the safety and care of all the children. We appreciated all your efforts!
REFERENDUM DAY BBQ - 5 more volunteers needed
Referendum Day is SATURDAY 14th OCTOBER and St James is once again a place to cast your vote. We will be providing a BBQ for all those who visit our school to raise money for our school. It is a great way to fundraise from the wider community. A very big thanks to Dan Savoia for once again volunteering to coordinate this.
Thanks to those that have already signed up to help on the day. There are 5 spots left to fill as below:
8.45am to 11am- 1 person needed
11am to 1pm- 2 people needed
1pm to 3pm- FULL
3pm to 4:15pm- 3 people needed. - Please note new earlier finish time of around 4pm with a quick pack up
If you can help please sign up here: volunteersignup.org/K4A8B
Friday Treats started back today with icy poles for the summer months. Thanks to those that have signed up to help. Here's the link again as there are a few more spots to fill: volunteersignup.org/ET84J
No St James MANGO DRIVE this year
Due to a very poor flowering season Mango stocks are very low this season, even lower than 2 yrs ago and produce is expected to be significantly smaller. We have decided to pause the mango fundraiser for this year but definitely aim to bring it back next year. In the meantime St John's Parish are running the fundraiser through the same company and so if you would like to still get a tray there is this option available. They are smaller than last years and a little bit cheaper. Please see details below from the parish newsletter and attached order form:
The ever-popular and fabulously healthy mango fundraiser is back for 2023! Trays of approx. 4.5kg delicious mangoes will be available in late November or early December and can be yours for only $25 a tray. This year there has been a reduced number of flowers which means the expected yield has been reduced to only 20% of previous years, we are so lucky to be able to have this opportunity and support the farmers. Attached to the newsletter is your order form so please tell your family, friends and co-workers and get your orders in early. Final orders and payment are due by Wednesday 25th October. For any questions, contact Donna Bright at donna.bright@hotmail.com
St John Mango Order Form 2023 (1).xlsx
TWILIGHT SPORTS- Wednesday 1st November
Plans are underway for the Twilight Sports coming up on Wednesday 1st November. It is a compulsory school event run by the staff at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track from 4.15 to 7.15pm. The Sports are organised by the school and the P&F organise a BBQ for families to have a bite to eat while watching their children participate. Details about the event and BBQ will be coming soon.
We are in the process of setting up a CDF Pay shop to order St James Sports Tops. This will be particularly helpful for current Prep families who will need to purchase one for 2024. Details will be coming soon.
Just a little update about the funds raised from our Auskick BBQ for the season from May to Mid August. A total Of $2312 was raised thanks to the wonderful team of volunteers over the season!
ST JOHN'S PARISH FETE- Saturday 18th November
While our Fete is not held at St James it is very much our school fete along with St John's School and the Parish. Jen Harvey has been the St James Representative on the Fete Committee for many years and is once again volunteering hours (and hours!) of her time to be a key person in making this wonderful Community Day happen. Many of the stalls are coordinated by St James parents and with such a big event we really need at least one person from each family to donate an hour or two of their time on a atall or helping with setup and pack up tasks.
Below is the attached Fete newsletter No 1 which you may have already received but includes-
- Requests for some key roles and coordinator positions to be filled
- Details about dates to and places to bring donations in the weeks preceding (Toys, Clothes, Bric-a-Brac, Plants) and the day before for Cakes.
- Requests for families to donate a bag of lollies for the Sweets Stall and blocks of chocolate for The Lob A Choc Stall
- A list of all the links to all the stalls and set up times where you can sign up to help.
Thanks for your support,