Principal's Post

Dear Families,
We have another pregnancy to celebrate at St James!
Congratulations to Josh Crowe, whose wife Laura is expecting their third child, a girl in January.
Our other staff, Tess Odgers, Siumi Kirby, Molly Masters and Jess Moffatt will all finish up later in the term depending on doctors advice. At this stage we expect them all to be here until at least the Melbourne Cup weekend and possibly into December.
We also congratulate Megan Klaver, who has been doing some Casual Relief Teaching throughout the year on her pregnancy.
We have commenced the process of replacing these staff and shuffling other staff around in their roles for the 2024 school year. Further details will be published once things are set in concrete.
Seeing Eye Dog visits St James
Naomi Carson, our wonderful Auslan teacher, has been training a Seeing Eye Dog puppy named Vance. Mrs Carson had planned to foster and train a Hearing Dog, however that program is now based interstate, so she agreed to instead train a Seeing Eye Dog with Vision Australia. Vance has passed all his assessments and will commence Intensive Training in the new year, after his first birthday. One of the aspects of Vance's training is to be active in the community, including indoor environments. Seeing Eye Dogs are legally permitted in almost any setting, except operating theatres and open zoos! Vance will be at school on Tuesday and possibly on some other Auslan timetabled days in the future, spending time both in the Auslan class and in the office. We will of course ensure a safe environment for all students. Please email your child's class teacher if they have fears or apprehension about this.
School Production Video
For those who haven't ordered their Change for a Better World concert video yet through Stagefright Concert Productions and wish to do so, please click on the link -
You can order a USB or Vimeo Digital Stream of the performance.
USB in a cover and case = $40. Vimeo Digital Stream, allowing you to view off multiple devices = $36.50. Orders will close Monday 16th October and delivery is scheduled to be on Friday 20th October.
Parish Fete Including Raffle Tickets
These raffle tickets are a big part of our Parish and school fundraising.
Tickets are two dollars each of which St James school receives $1.00 for every ticket our families sell. That means if every family sold 10 tickets, we would receive $2,400 towards our P & F fundraising efforts. We are not asking families to buy $20 worth of tickets but just sell them (friends, extended family, neighbours might all purchase a ticket).
We are also looking for someone to advertise the tickets and sell them after 6pm Mass on Saturday nights for the next month. Please contact me if you are able to help out and make this your contribution to volunteering for one of the fete duties. We also receive $1.00 for each of these tickets sold.
Just a reminder that it is an expectation that all families contribute at least one hour volunteering to help out at the fete. This may be set up (bump in), during the fete, or pack up on the Sunday (bump out).
You can sign up via the attached roster link.
St John's Parish Community Fete 2023
Class lists for 2024
We will commence working on class lists later in the term so any families who have specific requests for student placement for 2024 classes must either email me or make an appointment to discuss the specific learning or wellbeing needs of their children by Friday 27 October. This is not an opportunity to request to be in the same class as a friend nor an opportunity for teacher shopping.
Centre Road Street Parking Bays
A reminder that the Centre Road Parking Bays located at the front of St James have restricted parking times. We recently contacted the Whitehorse City Council in hope to have the displayed parking times reviewed and adjusted. Meanwhile, please ensure to keep to the displayed times to ensure the safety of all and avoid any fines that may be issued from Whitehorse City Council.
Australian Girls Choir
Last week the Australian Girls choir visited the school and met with a small group of girls. They participated in a brief workshop where they participated in singing activities the organisation will make contact with the students' families who participated. It's great to see students offering to take part in this opportunity.
Marathon Club
Marathon Club starts back this Wednesday! Students are invited to come along and join the morning run and have breakfast starting at 7.45am
Upcoming events & dates
Twilight Sports at Bill Sewart Athletics Track - Wednesday 1 November, 4.15 - 7.00pm approx. There will be an optional early dismissal for students at 2pm to enable many students to go home, have something to eat and a rest before the event. More detailed information will be sent home in the coming weeks.
Twilight Working Bee Friday 20 October 3.45 - 5.45pm.
Enjoy a great week ahead!