Acting Principal's Message

Year 5 Production
What a wonderful two nights we had at the Year 5 Newies Jnr. production last Tuesday and Wednesday night. All students showed commitment and dedication through the many hours of practices and rehearsals. It truly was a polished performance and the students should be very proud! I would like to thank both Laura Dimattina and Caroline Barron, Performing Arts teachers for their expertise in producing a terrific and uplifting Newsies Jnr. production.
Student Led Conferences
Thank you to the families who attended the Student Led conferences on Tuesday 5th September. The conferences were a great reflective experience for all involved, the teacher, student and their families. It was terrific to see students beaming with pride as they guided their family through their classroom and shared their reflections:
- What we were proud of
- Something that showed our understanding of the central idea/related concepts
- Tasks which we found challenging
- Own goals and things we can take action with
- Things that demonstrate our progress
- Something that made us think, “Wow!”
Child Safety - Safe Travel
The safety of our students is always our number one priority and we wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some advice around safe travel practices when going to and from school, which you can support you in discussing your own child’s travel arrangements;
- Always travel directly to and from school and avoiding making stops or side trips along the way. If you are catching public transport, walk directly to the bus stop or train station.
- Where possible travel in pairs or groups. You may want to arrange to meet friends and walk to school together.
- Remain alert to your surroundings and try to avoid using your phone while walking.
- If you are getting picked up, remain on school grounds until your ride has arrived.
- If there is anything that makes a student feel uncomfortable in any way, they should leave the area and report any concerns to an adult or phone the police.
Footy Colours Day
On Friday 15th September, students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their favourite Footy colours to celebrate the upcoming AFL final series. At lunchtime, the anticipated annual Staff V Students footy match will be happening on the school oval along with Zooper Dooper sales. Bring along $1.00 for an icy pole to help raise money for additional Junior school playground equipment.
Curriculum Day
On Monday 2nd October, all staff will be participating in a professional development workshop with renowned international educator, Tania Lattanzio. Previously a teacher, coordinator, and manager with the International Baccalaureate, she is now Director of Innovative Global Education. A key focus of Tania's work is developing and designing conceptual curriculum for schools, this work involves conceptualising curriculum across subject areas and year levels. Tania will equip our teachers with ideas and strategies to ensure that learning has a conceptual focus. She is an advocate of inquiry and inspires educators to provide students with an education that is purposeful, meaningful, and relevant to their lives, where students have opportunities to be motivated and have agency and control of their learning.
School Disco
Plans are well under away for our 2023 student Disco. We have been fortunate enough to confirm DJ Sam-I-am for Friday 20th October (Please note the change of date due to DJ availability). Junior Disco will be 5:00pm - 6:00pm and Senior Disco from 6:15pm - 7:45pm
Last day of Term 3
Whole school assembly will begin at 1:45pm on the bottom courts, we welcome the school community to come along as we celebrate a wonderful end to term 3.
Bianca Gatherum
Acting Principal