Secondary 11/12


Team Leader's Message

Term 3

Life is certainly never dull in Year 11 and 12. We’ve had a huge Term 3 as you will see below and are all looking forward to the break. Next term, our  Secondary year 12 students will be embarking on their final term at Concord School with their Sydney Educational Tour and Graduation.  It's going to be busy! Secondary year 11 students have commenced their new project with initial community explorations taking place, so things are looking busy for them too! 


Before we move forward let's look back at Term 3.

Year 11

What an exciting term this has been.  After 10 weeks of dance lessons and lots of rehearsal, our Year 11 students had their Presentation Ball on Friday August 25th and it was another night, never to be forgotten.  Students were very excited to be picked up and arrived at the venue in limousines with photographers and videographers, like paparazzi recording their every move.  All of our young people took their moment to shine as they were first introduced by Jane and Megan and then presented to their 300+ Family and Friends by Jason and Bronwyn. The students then performed  two dances, with some novel additions to the rehearsed steps. Once the formalities were over, everyone relaxed and enjoyed a delicious meal. We had a packed dance floor for the special person's dance and that didn't change for the rest of the evening with families, friends and staff dancing the night away. We have included a selection of photos from the evening for your enjoyment.  USB’s with the full event will be available soon and will be sent home with all participants once they arrive. 


The Year 11 students also spent the past term investigating issues within their local community and explored ways to ‘Make a Change’. Students explored the concepts of body image, anxiety, and healthy eating to name a few. Students explored different concepts, such as making fidget tools, running lunchtime clubs and creating healthy eating recipe books. They created action plans, tested their ideas, and then presented their findings through an Expo held in the 11/12 building that was experienced by a large number of family and friends. 

Year 12

The Year 12 students have been busily completing their VPC assessment tasks as the end of their formalised schooling draws near.  This term, our students have been participating in the 'Stories From My Life' program organised by our Local Learning Employment Network (BNLLEN).  Students have been meeting weekly with volunteers from our community and they have been discussing their life.  Students have then been creating a biography of the volunteers life and they shared these at a lovely morning tea.  We would like to thank the volunteers for all the time they have put into this program and for making themselves available for so many weeks. 


Planning is also well underway for the ‘Giving Back’ project which will be made public early next term. Further details will be shared via Compass. Students are currently in the preparation phase and are very excited about their innovative idea.


Earlier this term, Year 12 students completed their 'Life Hacks' and 'Savvy Savings' project culminating in a showcase that had so many people in attendance that the students ran out of some of their project samples.  We sampled mocktails, made face masks, learned about easy to make meals, how to put up a tent and how to wash a car. There were also quizzes and information stands. The students were all really proud of their showcase and it demonstrated the level of effort they had put in. 


Beyond the projects, all Year 11 and 12 students continue in their VET programs on Wednesdays and Work Related Skills programs on Thursdays.  I hope you’ve had a chance to pop down to Bunnings in Mill Park for a sausage.  Most Year 12 students have now had an opportunity to work in the Concord School Cafe and Year 11 students are now starting their time, working in the Cafe.  It's a popular work experience program with many students now considering it as a future employment option.   


Megan Prenc                                                                           Jane Stacey

Leading Teacher                                                                     Leading Teacher

Teaching and Learning                                                         Wellbeing and Engagement