Library News

Book Club
Book Club meets monthly (on a Thursday during break 1). It’s a chance for readers to get together, share their thoughts about what they have been reading and get recommendations for what to read next. We usually agree a theme for the meeting so we all read something similar. Our next meeting is in Break 1 on 12 October, and we will be discussing books set in other worlds. Here are some ideas for books on this theme from Australian authors:
We also have a group on MS Teams where we share information about meetings, as well as other activities and opportunities. Book Club is part of the School Library Association of Victoria’s Shelftalkers Project and this term we have been given several advanced reading copies of new books to read and review - we also had an author visit us to talk about their writing (more details from Jade below)!
New members are always welcome! Contact Chloe in the Library or Ms Shiells for more information.
Author Visit
On Thursday 31 August, we had the opportunity to meet the author Will Kostakis. He is an award- winning young adult author who has written three short stories and five books, with his latest being ‘We Could Be Something’. During his visit, we were lucky enough to get an insight on the difficulties that plagued him while searching for a publisher in his high school years. We were given a look into how he puts parts of himself into his writing, making it original, including his Greek heritage and his experiences growing up. Kostakis also gave us the opportunity to add to the discussion. Due to this, we chatted about poetry, the beauty of writing day to day recounts in poems and having the ability to go back and reflect on our writing. Branching off from this, Will Kostakis brought up how he wants to write a verse novel in the future (which will hopefully happen!) The importance of a well chosen novel to be read and analysed at school was a topic brought up as well. He ended his author visit by giving us book recommendations and all signed copies of his latest novel ‘We Could Be Something’, which we were all incredibly grateful for. Overall, the visit was extremely helpful for us, as both authors and readers, and a comfortable and enjoyable talk with a funny and insightful author.
Jade, Year 9
New Books - Sports
Books about sport are always in demand – traditionally these have been shelved in different locations in the library so this term we have set up a collection bringing them all together to make them easier to find. We have also been working on refreshing this collection with some new purchases – here are some of the new books that have arrived this year. As always recommendations for books for us to add to this collection are welcome!