Middle School News

Kids teaching Kids-Climate Action for Kids: Leadership Conference
On Friday 31st August Aiden, Don, Jonte, Jules, Soham and Sarina went to the Kids Teaching Kids climate action event at Edendale Farm in Eltham. The event was to raise awareness on sustainability and showcase projects each school is implementing to make environmental changes in their communities, and the planet. Each school in the Banyule Nillumbik area was to design a presentation to present to other schools about projects they are currently doing and are planning to do. Some projects were: a worm farm using compost to make garden soil, creating bird friendly habitats and frog bogs just to name a few.
Our students ran a workshop that used our projects of the Vertical Garden and Beeswax Wraps as examples of upcycling pre-used materials. In the workshop, students needed to take some common items from the recycling bin and come up with new ideas for ways that their school could make use of these items!
At the end of the day each school needed to name the highlight of the day and make a pledge for their school. Sarina Shetty, one of our Middle School Leaders made this pledge.
‘We pledge to involve more people into our sustainability club to promote education and awareness around climate action. Along with this we hope to take inspiration from great ideas presented by other schools here at the Kids Teaching Kids conference and implement these wonderful projects at our school.’
Another great highlight was a performance by ‘The Junkyard Beats’ a percussion band that used fully recycled instruments that was able to create a performance that included every student at the conference! Darren Murray
Year 8 Medieval Incursion
A huge thanks to Mr Liam Nunan for organising this incursion