Grade 1/2 News

Term 4, Week 8

Key Dates & Reminders:

Term 4 Dates

  • Tuesday 10th, December: Step up Day
  • Friday 13th, December: Grade 1 and 2 SWPBS reward, Faith Leech Aquatic Centre
  • Friday 20th, December: End of term 4, early dismissal 1.15pm


Monday 2nd - Friday 6th,  December: 1/2 Murphy

Hats, Hats, Hats!

We have a number of students who do not have a hat at school at the moment, we realise that some may have gone home after the Colour Fun Run for a wash, but quite a few are yet to return. This is causing some of our students to become upset at the thought of Lunch and Recess and having to play in an undercover area away from their friends. We ask if you could please check with your child if they have their hat at school and if not, could you please support them to find it and return it to school. Many thanks for your support with this!

What we have been up to...

Grade 2 Sleepover

Our Grade 2 students all did a wonderful job at the grade 2 sleepover. They enjoyed free time exploring the exhibits, learning about the Solar System in the Planetarium and some were even brave enough to take a trip down the vertical slide. We witnessed lots of fun, laughter and smiles and trust they all had an awesome experience - even if it didn't involve oodles of sleep!


Robot Construction

Following their swimming session each day students have been working with a small group to construct their Robot, which has been designed to solve a problem. It has been great to see the co-operative learning skills happening across our 1/2 cohort.


Bowerbird Blues

Last week we read the story Bowerbird Blues andon Friday, students did an excellent job creating and designing their own nest complete with Bowerbirds and a collection of items.

Upcoming Learning

Reading, Writing and Spelling: 

Our final two focus texts for the year are:

  • Tea and Sugar Christmas
  • What Do You Wish For?

In Writing for the next fortnight students are learning about narrative texts and letter writing. Students will learn about the different structure and purpose of letters and they will then have a go at writing a letter.


Phonemes and spelling rules for the rest of term 4 will include: 


Weeks 9/10 & 11: Revision based on student need


Mathematics: In Mathematics students will have some student voice and choice, students will be working from a matrix, where they will be able to choose from addition, subtraction, measurement and money related problems.


Topic: During topic sessions students will be working in small groups to design and construct their Robot Buddy. If finished their construction students will create a poster to advertise their robot and the problem it is designed to solve.


R.R.R.R: Our Respectful Relationships topic is 'Problem Solving'. Students will focus on the size of different problems they might encounter and will participate in a range of games and activities which encourage problem solving skills and co-operation.