Prep News

Term 4, Week 8

What we've been up to in Prep

Pevan & Sarah Concert

On Monday, we were lucky enough to attend the Pevan and Sarah concert. The Preps can't believe that we got to see Pevan & Sarah in real life. We enjoyed singing and dancing to our favourite songs with big smiles on our faces!


Swimming starts on MONDAY! To prepare for swimming, please make sure every piece of clothing is named especially uniforms and underwear and that children can quickly dress themselves with little to no help.


Your child will need (all named):


-bathers on under school uniform to begin the school day

-underwear in swimming bag

-thongs or sandals for when we are at the pool (they still need to wear their normal school shoes to school). These thongs/sandals will stay at school for the whole week.

-additional plastic bag for wet bathers

-goggles ONLY if your child needs them


If your child has hair that is long enough to be tied up, please make sure that it is tied securely enough to last the entire swimming session. We have to get changed very quickly after swimming and have very little time to be redoing hair. 


Swimming week is a big week for our Preps. If you can, it may be a great idea to pack an extra snack or two so your children can have an extra snack in the afternoon. 


Can you please ensure your child wears their bathers under their school clothes to school, and has dry underwear in their swimming bag.


This week is the final week that we are able to borrow library books to take home. Next week we are able to borrow new books, but these will be kept at school. If you have any overdue books at home, please send these back ASAP.

Take Home Readers 

Please start your hunt for any Little Learners Love Literacy books that you may have hiding at home. We have lots of books missing at the moment and are starting our stocktake. 

Upcoming Dates:

Monday 2nd - Friday 6th December - Swimming

Tuesday 10th December - Step Up Day

Monday 16th December- Junior Athletics

Tuesday 17th December- Pool Day (Whole School Reward)

Friday 20th, December-End of term 4, early dismissal 1.15pm

Upcoming Learning


During Week 9, we will begin learning about the sound that 'er' makes. Our book of the week is 'The Smeds and The Smoos'. The following week we will revise the sounds that we have learnt. Our book of the week in Week 10 is 'The Baddies'. For the rest of the year we will be revising Heart Words, specifically focusing on reading and writing: 'all', 'you', 'said', 'where', 'they' and 'like'.


In Mathematics, we will be revising what we have learnt this term and learning about complex pattern and seasons. 


In Topic, we will continue learning about 'Our Sustainable World and 'Farm to Table' by looking at what we need to feed our bodies as well as at where milk and eggs come from. 


In Respectful Relationships, we will continue learning about Positive Gender Relations by doing the activities 'what are clothes for' and 'keeping my body safe?'.