Junior School News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
1/2A is having an amazing Term 4!
We have been loving our exploration of plants and animals. We have brought ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ to life by growing our own beans. We are learning about what plants need to grow through watering our beanstalks. In Writing we have been retelling our experiences from dressing up. We have been learning about money in numeracy through creating a money train and playing shop. For Statistics and Data we have been learning how to graph data. In Art with Ane 1/2 A have been painting and creating beautiful artworks. In PE with Ben 1/2 A have been learning how to use their bodies through scooters and movement.
In STEM with Kieran 1/2 A have been learning about living and nonliving things. And in Performing Arts, 1/2 A have been expressing themselves. We look forward to continuing the fun for the rest of the term.
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
Last week, we were excited to celebrate Jackson School Values Week with a special focus on Russ Jackson Day! Our school proudly honours Russ Jackson, who dedicated over 20 years to our community as a volunteer, gardener, caretaker, and School Council President. To honour Russ' legacy, students participated in volunteer activities, fostering teamwork and kindness – key qualities of a Jackson Learner.
This week, our students also enjoyed a Melbourne Zoo trip, where they expanded their knowledge of living things as part of our Inquiry learning program. It was a fantastic hands-on experience that enriched their understanding of animals and their habitats.
Finally, assessments are just around the corner! We encourage families to support students’ routines and help them prepare.
3/4A Newsletter
The Lower Primary has been learning about Living things in Inquiry. As part of our learning activities about how living things grow, meet their basic living needs, and about external animal features; we had an excursion to Melbourne Zoo. At the zoo, our students visited different enclosures and attended a class run by the zoo educators. Even though the weather wasn’t on our side, our students still enjoyed in real-world learning about wildlife.