Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,
I sent an email to all parents last week announcing that our school’s new Principal has been appointed. I am delighted with the announcement that Karl Dwyer has accepted the role and I feel very confident that our school will be in very safe hands.
Karl is a man of great integrity and character and will bring this to the position.
Karl has been principal of St Joseph’s Coleraine for the past four years and has taught at St Pat’s Koroit and St Pius’ in Warrnambool before that.
You’ll agree that my time to retire has come when I tell you that I taught Karl last century, when he was in Grade 4 or 5 and he was a very impressive young man even then.
Karl will move to Colac over the summer with his wife Emily, his twin sons who will enter Trinity in Year 9 and his daughter who will join our 2025 Grade 6 class.
Karl will be joining us at this week’s Foundation BBQ in order to meet with families, students and staff. He and I will do some work together on Friday as well as take some time to visit Trinity and scout out some real estate.
(If anyone is aware of properties to rent in the District I may have a very reliable tenant for you!)
PREP 2025 BARBECUE Families who have someone enrolled to begin Foundation in 2025 are invited to our Family Barbecue this Thursday, November 14th. We will be conducting a brief Information Session at 6:00pm in the Multi-purpose Room to be followed immediately by a delicious BBQ tea and salads prepared by our staff. Families are invited to bring their own refreshments along.
This is always a fun night and a relaxed and friendly introduction to our school to new families and a good social gathering for the rest of us.
STAFFING NEWS Parents and Carers will be well aware that we have quite a few changes happening with staff next year, mainly in our leadership staff. Karl’s appointment confirms for me though that our school will continue to run efficiently and smoothly for our most important community members; our students.
We do have some teachers changing grades and I thank them for accepting the challenge and opportunity that this means for them.
Teachers and classes for 2025:
Foundation Teachers will be:
Sheridan Finn and Sharyn Newton
Grade One Teachers will be:
Lauren Campigli, Megan Doyle and Adam Garner
Grade Two teachers will be:
Raffie Borgia, Frances Miles and Rebecca O’Shea
Grade Three teachers will be:
Angela Hogben, Maggie Eldridge and Katrina McGuane
Grade Four teachers will be:
Lynne Garner and Tammie Rooney
Grade Five teachers will be:
Melissa Callahan*, Deanne Cumming and Jayden Tebble
Grade Six teachers will be:
Shantelle Finn, Tom Rieniets and Kate Tomkins
*We are very pleased to welcome back Melissa Callahan who has spent 12 months teaching in Port Hedland.
Jack Lenaghan - Principal