Family Maths Challenge
The 1,2,3,4, Problem
Here is a maths problem for the whole family to enjoy solving! Submit your solutions in the mailbox at the office for your chance to win a prize at the next school assembly.
The 1,2,3,4 problem provides an intriguing context for students to explore and further develop their knowledge of the four basic operations.
Big Mathematical Idea
The 4 basic operations are related to one another and are used to process information and solve problems.
Possible Solutions:
3+2-4x1=1 | 4+2-3-1=2 | 2x3+1-4=3 | 3+4-2-1=4 | 4+3-2x1=5 |
4+3+1-2=6 | 31-24=7 | 4+3+2-1=8 | 4+3+2x1=9 | 1+2+3+4=10 |
How many solutions can you and your family find?