Curriculum Update at CPS
The following information is a summary of a presentation to the CPS school council at the July meeting, as a summary of the work our teachers have done in the first semester of 2024. We thought it was important to share it with our whole school community.
The implementation of the Science of Reading has been a notable success in P-2 this year. Orton Gillingham approach and resources (cards and reading decodables) needed to support the implementation have been purchased and are accessible in all junior school classes. To continue our journey in implementing the Science of Reading across the middle and senior year levels, we aim to have more teachers trained in advanced morphology by the end of the year in preparation for 2025.
In ‘Writing’ different tools have been provided for teachers to trial as they skill themselves up on the structure and science behind The Writing Revolution. Known as the Hochman Method®, The Writing Revolution isn’t a separate curriculum; instead, it integrates seamlessly into existing curricula, providing strategies and activities that can be woven into content instruction. Grammar is embedded in literacy sessions and not taught separately. Retrieval is part of the structure. Sentences are the building blocks of all writing. With support from learning specialists, leading teachers and curriculum leaders, teachers are working together on this journey and will continue towards the goal of using a school wide evidenced based approach to writing.
In the area of Numeracy, we implemented Victorian Curriculum version 2.0, becoming familiar with the changes in the curriculum and also reporting to this in Semester 1. Teachers have been trialing recommended resources to support their planning. We await the release of further Department of Education resources this semester. We're continuing to find ways to support our teachers in accessing curriculum-linked teaching resources that are evidence based and quality assured.
Yesterday’s curriculum day focused on Cognitive Load Theory and teaching explicitly. These 2 areas are part of the focus of the new Victorian teaching and learning model, recently released by the DET. We also continued our work on reframing the school’s mission, vision and core values.