Principal's Press

Camp Season
We have welcomed back our Year 5 students from a fantastic camp in Ballarat and surrounds. By all accounts they had a marvellous time. This morning we sent off our Year 9 students to Tasmania for an 8-day excursion exploring the sights of Tassie. A particular thank you to our wonderful staff who give up their time to make these camps happen for our young people.
Trial Exams for HSC
Also starting this week are our trial exams for the HSC. These important exams are a practice for the real thing happening in October and are an important opportunity for our students to see what they do and don’t know to further improve their revision. Please be praying for them.
Community Prayer Meeting
On August 20 at 3:15pm in the new Community area at the rear of F Block (Library Building) we will be having a community prayer meeting for any interested parents and community members. Please come along and pray for our College.
Mrs Lisa Dumicich
Interim Principal