Walking Humbly Before God
Walking Humbly Before God
I love the Wagga Wagga Christian College's vision statement, especially the phrase that we want to provide an excellent academic and practical education, preparing students to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before God. Isn't that, as a community, what we want for our young people? That they know who Jesus is, have submitted their lives to His Lordship and are actively living out of that place of humble submission to Him. Can I get an Amen to that!
So how do we as a school community achieve that wonderful, lofty vision that God has gifted to us? Below are three ways that we work towards our vision statement and help our young people walk humbly before God
Partnership: We as staff cannot achieve this vision statement without our families, and you as families will find it difficult to do this without the school community. We work together so that our young people see what it looks like to walk humbly before God at home and school. Together we raise and influence this generation of young people to live for Jesus.
Being intentional about revealing God in our classrooms: As teachers, it is our task to help show students God's creation and His goodness in all curriculum areas. We help reveal God in all subject areas such as writing, reading, geography, sciences, sport, business, art and maths. We acknowledge that every time we step into a classroom and teach our students, we are participating in forming them, hopefully forming them towards God and not away from Him. Over the staff professional development week, we focused on classroom and curriculum formation and how we can be intentional about developing it.
Through this intentionality, together as a teaching team and with the help of the Holy Spirit, across a student's time at Wagga Wagga Christian College we are helping our young people to be curious about God's world and live out the hope that is only found in Jesus.
Community and wellbeing: As humans, we flourish best in strong communities, living, working and sharing together as we encourage each other in our faith. At Wagga Wagga Christian College, we are always looking for ways to build up and include families and our young people in a thriving, healthy community. We are proactive about supporting students with additional learning needs and mental health issues by providing staffing, programs and teaching that support and educate. We also provide opportunities for hospitality so we can build relationships and a sense of belonging.
Every day in a myriad of ways, we work together to live out the vision of our young people acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly before God. Thank you for joining us on the journey. May you be blessed!
Mrs Lisa Dumicich
Interim Principal