Book Week and Book Fair

Bonjour tout le monde,
This year St Bede’s will celebrate Book Week in Week 6. Throughout the week classes will celebrate their love of reading by participating in a number of exciting activities linked to the theme ‘Reading is Magic’. As usual we will have a special Book Week Parade on Tuesday 20th August at 9am on the Oval. We would love to see your child/ren dress up in a costume linked to this theme. Please try to get creative with your outfits and don’t feel the need to purchase new items. Parents and Carers are welcome to join us for this parade.
It would also be fantastic if every student could bring in a named copy of their favourite picture story book to share with their classmates throughout the week.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Justin or Rosalie.
Merci Beaucoup.
Justin McFarlane & Rosalie Silvers
Learning and Teaching Leaders
Book Fair Announcement
We are excited to announce that our yearly book fair arrives next Wednesday! This is a wonderful opportunity to encourage our students' love of reading and support our school library. Each book sold earns points that allow us to purchase more books for our library.
Event Details:
- Start Date: Wednesday, August 14th
- End Date: Wednesday, August 21st (during Book Week)
- Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
The fair will be open both in the morning and afternoon, so come along and join us in celebrating the joy of reading!