Around the School

New Furniture!
Our students are making the most of our new furniture in the learning common!
School Wide Positive Behaviours - New Blitz
During a brief Monday morning assembly, Miss O'Brien and senior students announced a blitz focussing on our transitions between lessons, from outside and through the school.
We show RESPECT during transitions when we
- move quietly between spaces.
- line up before entering/exiting the classroom.
We show RESPONSIBILITY when we
- are punctual to learning tasks/activities.
- go directly to our next task.
- follow the educator’s directions.
We promote SAFETY when we
- walk inside
- keep to the left when walking through the hallways
- only enter a learning space when a staff member is present.
- look out for others.
These students are demonstrating being RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE and SAFE while TRANSITIONING this week.
Lost Property
Our Lost Property is bursting at the seams! We have placed a table on the decking for everyone to check. Items not collected for over a week will be donated to charity or added to the secondhand uniform shop.
After School Netball
Congratulations to our netballers who are tearing up the courts!!
This little team of pocket rockets won against Emmaus 10-5.
Keep having fun!
Get Your Dancing Shoes on!