From the Principal

Dear families,
For this newsletter, I’d like to try something different. Reflecting on my own childhood, I remember the warmth and connection of sitting at the dinner table every evening with my family. We gathered, gave thanks, and shared stories about our day. It was a time to bond, laugh, and sometimes even debate. I vividly recall having to ask my mum and dad for permission to leave the table. While it felt frustrating at the time, I now see it as a meaningful tradition that prioritised our family gathering. I wonder how many of us still make this a priority in our busy lives? With so many exciting things happening around us, like the shared spirit of the Olympics, it seems like the perfect moment to rekindle this tradition of togetherness.
This week, I've put together some questions that you might enjoy discussing around the dinner table or even in the car—another great place to have a captive audience! Our current theme is Influence, and these questions are designed to spark conversations and reflections:
- Who do you think has the most influence on you and why?
- Can you think of someone who has inspired you to be a better person? How did they do that?
- Can you name a time when you felt pressured to do something because of someone else's influence? How did you handle it?
- How do you think your family influences your values and beliefs?
I hope these prompts lead to engaging and meaningful conversations amongst your families. With the values and beliefs growing up in my family, there was no risk of me supporting any other team than Essendon...
....Go Bombers!
Important Dates
Please take note of the term calendar that has been included with today’s newsletter.
I draw your attention particularly to an upcoming closure day on Friday 16th August. On this day, our staff will be undertaking Cultural Awareness Training which will incorporate professional development experiences unpacking the connected Child Safety standards and curriculum areas. We are also gaining a greater understanding of the local indigenous stories and traditions by connecting with Wadawurrung leaders.
InsightSRC Surveys for Families
This week we are sending home a letter to a random sample of families across the school. The letter contains a link and login credentials to complete an important feedback survey to gain insights into your family's experiences at St Patrick's. As a school strongly committed to improvement, we would be most appreciative of your feedback by completing this survey by Friday 9th August.
Fullness of Life
During this second semester, all students will learn about their bodies, relationships and staying safe, in the physical world and online.
Each Monday, beginning Week 5, teachers will use 'The Fullness of Life' program to ensure students understand Catholics believe that all human life is sacred having been created in the image of God.
The program is broken into the following 6 themes.
- My Body
- Lifecycles
- Relationships
- Identity
- Taking care offline and on
- Getting help when I need it.
Teachers will continue to focus on teaching students the importance of Recognising, Reacting and Reporting situations in which they feel unsafe.
Book Week 2024
We're looking forward to celebrating our love of literature at St Patrick's throughout Book Week this year. Each morning, our learning and teaching will focus on a short-listed book with an activity as students move across the school in multi-age groups. On Friday 23rd we will hold the annual Book Week dress-up day in which your child may like to come as a character out of a book or dress to the theme of 'Reading is Magic'. We'll have a short parade at 9am in the Madden Hall if you'd like to join us!
Book Week Dress Up Day - Friday 23rd Au
This week on SchoolTV you will find additional resources available to gain greater insight into Cultural Diversity. This may be a beneficial support topic to continue the conversations at home that are happening throughout classroom around diversity & inclusion which fits with the schoolwide concept of 'Influence'.
"Cultural diversity is an inherent aspect of modern society. It enriches our communities by bringing together a wide array of cultures, traditions, and histories, contributing to our unique identity and strength. Embracing and celebrating this diversity is essential for fostering inclusion and a sense of belonging among children. By valuing every child's cultural background, we enable them to excel in all facets of life. Nurturing an environment of curiosity, open-mindedness, and respect for all cultures, will set a strong example for all young people. Through collective efforts, we can pave the way for a more accepting and vibrant future."
Click on the link below to access a wealth of videos, articles, and resources on the aforementioned topic.
All Editions | St Patrick's School - Ballarat (
Keep warm!!!
Kind regards,
Ben Shields