Student Services : Wellbeing

Love Bites: consent education for Year 10
During weeks 6, 8 and 9 of this term, our Year 10 cohort will participate in a consent education program called Love Bites. The interactive and engaging program provides a safe environment in which young people can discuss and learn about their rights and responsibilities in relationships and look at ways to access support when needed. Each Year 10 class will participate in a full day of Love Bites within their connect class group and we will have both school staff and external facilitators running the program. Students will have an opportunity to participate in a creative session to be displayed in the school.
The NAPCAN website has more information on their respectful relationships program.
Supporting Foodbank
Food bank Victoria is having an emergency food drive this August. If you would like to donate; you can donate directly to them on their website or drop your items off to M11, and we will deliver them for you!
Some of the most in demand items include:
- Canned fruit, vegetables, seafood, soups and meals
- Breakfast cereal
- Pasta, noodles and rice
- Long life milk and juice
- Coffee, tea and spreads
- Muesli bars, dried fruit and nuts
- Sauces, seasoning, cooking supplies like flour, oil and sugar
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Soap and deodorant
- Dental floss, toothpaste, and toothbrushes
- Tissues and toilet paper
- Feminine hygiene products
- Household cleaning items
Resources for families and carers
Family therapy (Matters)
Family Matters is a free family therapy program that supports families who live in Melbourne's Northeast region. The program works with a diverse range of families who are experiencing challenges with family functioning and connection
The program has a focus on improving family relationships and preventing family breakdown.
Family therapists work with the ‘whole of family’, which allows various family members to attend sessions. This approach gives each family member the opportunity to express their thoughts or feelings, not only about the problem, but also possible solutions.
Matters is funded by the Federal Government.
Matters program outcomes
The program aims to help families:
- strengthen the connection between adolescents and their family
- increase parenting confidence, capacity and skills
- experience less stress, conflict and harmful behaviours
- have more positive family relationships.
Adolescents who have participated in the program often say they feel more understood and better able to communicate with their parent.
Teenage Aggression Responding Assertively (TARA)
TARA is a parent focused workshop that provides information, support and strategies for parents to manage their adolescent's challenging and aggressive behaviour.
Our Matters family therapists run the workshop. Please note that this workshop does not cover neurodiverse specific strategies or content.
TARA group outcomes
TARA can help parents to feel:
- less alone
- more hopeful
- better equipped to respond to challenging behaviours in a way that promotes safety, trust and connection for all family members.
Families are encouraged to contact the team to discuss their needs and whether the program is suitable.
You may be eligible for the program if you:
- live in the local government areas of Darebin, Whittlesea, Nillumbik and Banyule in Melbourne's North East region
- have a young person aged 12 to 20 years old.
Contact us
Matters and TARA are based at the Berry Street office in Preston.
To find out more about the Matters program, please contact us on 03 9450 4700