Performing Arts
Term 4, 2023
Performing Arts
Term 4, 2023
Semester 2 in Performing Arts, students have continued exploring Drama Practices.
In Foundation, Early and Upper Primary years, students have explored the movement and actions of animals through dramatic play. Inspired by the story 'Summer Rain' students flew like birds, and swam like fish. Students have continued to participate in fun instrumental and prop activities, including the use of percussion instruments, such as drums, shakers and tapping sticks, parachutes and scarves.
Our Secondary Students are continuing to work on dramatic role play, using their imagination and ideas to create different objects, animals and actions. Students have explored role play and storytelling to an Australian story called 'Summer Rain.' Students are learning to participate in role play activities such as charades and picture postcards. They also explored student led performance activities, such as peers following their student leader, in movement activities such as 'follow the leader'.
Our Senior Secondary Graduating students are spending time preparing for their graduation celebrations. Students are sharing some of their favourite songs to rehearse on microphone and instruments in class, choosing some to share on their graduation celebration day.