
Ninja Turtles
Did you know that the four ‘Ninja Turtles’ were more than just movie characters? Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello were in fact Renaissance artists, famous for works such as The Mona Lisa, Statue of David, the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, the School of Athens, and the bronze David. Da Vinci was also responsible for inventions we still use today, such as the humble scissors, and he was the first to develop plans for a working helicopter. Scientists, such as Galileo and Nicolas Copernicus, who challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church, were instrumental for our knowledge of science and space today.
These amazing people have been the focus of our Year 8 study of the Renaissance, with students examining the time period and how the Renaissance developed, linking the events of the Crusades and the Black Death to the development of this time period. Our students have studied everyday life, looking for similarities and differences in the lives of the upper, middle and lower classes, as well as how life began to slowly change for women during this time, with some education and status being offered. We have also looked at some of the famous artists, artworks, scientists, and discoveries made during this time.
Ms Su-Nhi Kim