
What's Happening in English
In Year 8, students are completing a unit on text genres. This unit of work involves a creative task where students have the opportunity to create “Genre Study Guides”. Students choose an example text (referred to as a “Mentor Text”) from their favourite genre and use the text for inspiration in creating a Genre guides. The Genre Guide includes and examination of typical tropes and stereotypes unique to that genre. Students will present their guides in an exciting multimodal display.
Year 9 students have completed the screening of this Semester’s film text ‘The Truman Show’. Students unanimously agreed that they enjoyed this classic film text. Students have explored and unpacked philosophical themes relating to the human condition such as identity and belonging, truth and reality, ethics, and morality. Students will also examine the influence of mainstream media and corporate control in this unit.
Students have completed Group Presentations relating to theme and character analysis and will now begin their Creative Writing Task for CAT 2 where they are very excited to develop their own podcast episode which incorporates key themes and characters from ‘The Truman Show’.
Ms Kathryn Watt
Year 8 English Teacher