Principal's Report

Welcome Back to Term 4
We hope you have had a restful break and are looking forward to an exciting term. Term 4 is a term in which we bring together the years teaching and learning, complete final assessments, and conduct transition programs to ensure as smooth start for the next year.
Term 4 is also a time for reflection and for us to celebrate as a community the outstanding achievements of our students throughout the year. Whilst not all students learn and progress at the same rate, what we do know is that our quality teacher practice and engaging learning programs have provided every student, every opportunity to experience success.
But what is success? Many would argue that success is measured by academic results, including NAPLAN and ATAR. However, a score alone should not be the sole measure, nor will it define a student’s future success. Whilst academic attainment will always remain important so is a student’s social and emotional growth and physical wellbeing, it is for this reason I am proud to see our students also gaining skills in other areas including teamwork, collaboration, cultural awareness, problem solving and innovation. It is important that we don’t lose sight of our young people as individuals to give them to confidence to strive to be the best they can be.
Last Week for VCE Students
Our Year 12 VCE students will complete an important milestone next week, completion of their formal classes after thirteen years at school. To celebrate the end of the formal school year our Year 12 students will start the week with a special barbeque breakfast with teachers before school on Monday, final classes, and celebrations as a cohort and with other members of the college community. The week will end with their valedictory dinner with families on Friday night. On behalf of the College, I wish Year 12 students the best for their exams and their future pathways.
2024 Enrolments and Transition
Year 7 2024 transitions are well underway as is the planning for our own student transition between year levels. I would like to acknowledge the work of the transition teams and Mrs Tanya Malloy our careers leader who has had a very busy year assisting students applying for tertiary pathways and/or employment.
End of Year Activities
The last day of formal classes and final dates for students in senior school are set down by the Department. Students in Years 7-9 have a later date for the completion of formal classes with teaching and learning and assessments taking place until that time. Each year an activities program is offered where students have several activities to participate in. Information on the activities program will be distributed via compass.
Attendance Matters
‘Going to school every day is the single most important part of your teenager’s education’.
Although it seems obvious, if your child is not at school, they are missing opportunities to learn. It is very important that students are arriving on time and attending every day. Attendance not only maximises opportunities for learning, but it also helps to build and maintain social connections. Student absenteeism leads to many issues later in life including the lower likelihood of academic success and there is even a correlation with poorer health outcomes in adulthood.
All students are required to be in attendance until the last day of classes as outlined in diary dates. Any requests for extended absences at the end of the year require six weeks-notice. The purpose of the six weeks-notice is required to ensure an absence learning plan can be prepared for the extended absence so students can complete the essential work that may be missed prior to or during the absence. Any late requests will result in a non-approved absence.
If you have any concerns about getting your child to school, please speak to the relevant year level coordinator or head of school. Early interventions are critical to establishing the good long term habits students will require for their futures.
Mrs Gail Major