
Careers and Pathways News
Work Experience 2023
There is a second round of optional work experience on offer for those students in Year 10 that have previously expressed an interest. The week available for students will be the week beginning Monday 4 December. An email has been sent out with information.
Please see me in the Careers office if you have any questions. An electronic copy of the Work Experience Arrangement Form was included in the email, and I also have hard copies in my office.
VET placements for 2024
The Careers Department have put in expressions of interests for all students that submitted their VET requests for 2024 and USI numbers and are now waiting to be advised of places. It is a busy time of year for all VETDSS providers, and as soon as we get offered our places you will be the first to know. If for whatever reason you do not get your preferred VET course, location at a time within the College VET blocks I will work 1:1 with you to ensure we can achieve the best outcome.
Class of 2023
With all the career planning, course selections, apprenticeships, and career pathways in place I would like to wish the class of 2023 the best of luck for their future pathways. It has been a pleasure to walk alongside of you through this process.
Do You Love or Are Good at Art?
Do you love ART or are good at ART but are unsure of the Pathways and options available to you for further study or careers. The attached link will take you to the My Future Career Bullseye for all things ART. A fantastic tool to help you expand your mind and options when it comes to career pathways. It has occupations related to this area and shows the various levels of study required. Just a couple of the careers mentioned are visual merchandiser, web designer, interior designer, or marketing manager. Explore further yourself by clicking on the hyper link below or scan the QR code from your mobile device. You can simply view the poster for ideas or log in when prompted and do a deep dive into a career that sparks your interest. art
Mrs. Tanya Molloy
Careers & Pathways Leader