Year 9 News

Maddy McQueen & Joanne Merryfull | Year 9 Coordinators

Congratulations to the award winners who received canteen vouchers at the year level assembly for their efforts in the following: 


Most School Values over the past 4 weeks:

Ella Hallam (camera shy)

Thomas Risson

Most School Values for Term 3:

Annabelle Gregor

Australian Mathematics Competition Award:

Violet McGennisken – ranked top of Year 9

AFL Academy in Action

General Reminders

Lockers clean for holidays

Please ensure all students clean out their lockers to remove any rubbish and food prior to the holidays. Take any books home that you may need if you have holiday homework!


Year 9 Camp

Planning is well underway for a 2-night Camp to Ballarat & Geelong for Week 10 Term 4. A letter will go home with all Year 9 students early next term and a meeting will be held. Stay tuned for more details.


VET 2024 

If you have selected a VET course for 2024 the LLEN have started to send out application links for you to advance to the next application stage for 2024 VET.

Over the next few weeks, you may be receiving a SEQTA DM with important information and instructions to complete the next stage of your application.


It is vitally important that you regularly check you SEQTA DM’s over the next few weeks for this important information.


Yr 9 PE – Indigenous Games Unit

Year 9’s worked on leadership skills by organising and running an Indigenous game for the rest of the class. The games are typically simple, without scoring and inclusive in nature. The photos show some lads challenging themselves to stay in time with the rope. Even though only two remain in the end, the smiles on their faces are awesome!