Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

It’s time to check under the bed, go through the cupboard and empty out the school bag and find your hat!  In Term Four students are required to wear Horsham College uniform hats when outside.  If your hat cannot be found or has been damaged, you can purchase a new one from the front office for $20. Hat wearing will be expected from day one of Term Four. 


It was great to see Year 7 students and parents at the School Interviews. If you were unable to attend your interviews, remember you can contact individual teachers to discuss your student’s progress via phone or email. 


Term 3 interim reports are available on SEQTA. We encourage all students to reflect on their learning behaviours throughout the term and select an area for improvement in Term Four.


Well done to those involved in football finals over the last weekend, and good luck to all Year 7 students in finals this weekend. Have a fantastic and safe holiday break, and we look forward to seeing everyone back again on the 2nd of October, rested, relaxed, ready to learn (and wearing school hats!) 


Year 7s had so much fun at Lanes and Games bowling on Friday 9th September. Huge thankyou to Mr Hose, Mr Bruce and Ms McKenry for their hard work and organising!  

Year 7 Lino Art

Earlier this term, 7F completed a Lino Printing unit. Students undertook a researching and drawing stage, deciding on their work that they would like to draw. Students then transferred their chosen idea onto lino, carved and printed with block ink. 7F enjoyed the process and check out some of their fantastic lino prints!