Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien

End of term

With the weather feeling warmer and holidays very near it is challenging to persist through the last few days of the term.  It is important to use this time at the end of term to ensure that any overdue tasks are completed so that we can successfully move into next term ready to begin afresh. Now is the time to speak with teachers to clarify what needs to be completed and to ask for support if required. Hopefully Parent/Teacher interviews held last week were able to help with this, but always feel okay about reaching out to teachers and staff if you have any concerns. Don’t forget to clean out lockers to be prepared for term 4.  VCE students also have opportunities to attend sessions during the holidays to prepare for their examinations.  Remember to budget your time when it comes to study, just as you would budget your money; remembering that we all need to take time to relax and rejuvenate so that we can begin term 4 with a clear plan towards our ongoing academic achievement.


Bonita O’Brien

Student Academic Counsellor