RUOK? Day at school on Thursday 7th September 

Horsham College got in early last week, marking RUOK? Day with a Wellbeing EXPO. Welcoming seven exhibitors to the interactive event on a rainy day, chaplain Yolande Grosser and her team of student volunteers provided a free pancake lunch to attract the hungry teens, encouraging them to interact with guest professionals active in the realm of wellbeing. 

Aiming to build students’ stress resilience, Mrs Grosser was pleased to provide friendly faces from the Horsham Rural City Council, Headspace, Grampians Community Health, River Youth, Empire Youth, SNAP Fitness and Horsham Crossfit. 

The lunchtime event saw hundreds of students indulge in more than 300 pancakes, doused in 6 litres of maple syrup, whipped cream, blueberries and fresh strawberries.  While managing sticky fingers the students also undertook physical challenges around their health, built connections to improve their sense of belonging and took away advice and information around other aspects of their mental and emotional wellbeing from the experts on hand. 

A huge success, the Horsham College Wellbeing Team hope to build on the event next year, inviting more exhibitors to take part in this wholistic approach to helping.