Year 12 News

Kristen Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

Well done to all Year 12s on reaching the end of Term 3! We are impressed by the sustained efforts of students in finalising most coursework and assessments. It really is a busy time of the year!

For scored VCE students, a reminder that most subjects have revision sessions or practice exams scheduled throughout the semester break. It is recommended that you attend these sessions to access additional teacher support. Please find the revision schedule attached for sessions that will be held in the M Building. We look forward to seeing you there!

For students who are completing an unscored VCE, it is important that you complete all Work Requirements to a satisfactory standard. Once you have completed these (usually at the end of Term 3) it is possible to exit school and begin the next stage of your life. Students will be able to exit early if they complete the necessary paperwork, have completed all Work Requirements to a satisfactory standard and have a confirmed pathway. 

This also applies to all Vocational Major students. It is important for VM students to gain credits in all units and complete the required 90 hours of VET. 

At this stage of the year, we encourage students to look after themselves. Mental and physical health is very important. Make sure the balance is right between study, work, and play. We encourage everyone to get outside and enjoy this glorious Spring weather!

The Year 12 Team also thanks the ‘support team’ behind each individual student as we head towards the finish line. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

VCE Exams

The VCE Exams Navigator booklet should be read by all students presenting for 2023 VCE external assessments. 

It gives information about

  • Approved materials and equipment for VCE written examinations
  • VCAA rules for the conduct of VCE written external assessments 
  • What happens if you arrive late for a VCE external assessment
  • 2023 VCE Examination Timetable 
  •  Advice for performance and Languages oral examinations and the Extended Investigation oral presentation 
  • VCAA rules for the conduct of VCE Performance, Languages Oral Examinations and Extended Investigation Oral Presentation (external assessments) 
  • Special Provision (what happens if you are significantly affected by the onset of an illness, or the occurrence of an injury or personal trauma or serious intervening event at the time of your VCE external assessments)
  • VCE Results and ATAR Service (how to access your results)