Year 11 News

Tim Pitt & Ebony Tate | Year 11 Coordinators

As the end of term approaches, we want to thank all the students, families and community members doing great things around the school. It has been fantastic reading the values awards our year 11s have earnt and seeing how well they are supported by families and the wider community. We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable break!


Unit 3-4 Subjects

Holiday revision and exam sessions will be held over the fo­llowing 2 weeks for students studying year 12 subjects. The holiday revision program has been sent out via direct message on SEQTA.

University Open Days

Over the following months, many universities and colleges will be holding open days and tours for prospective students. This year is a great time to start exploring different options and getting a feel for which campuses might suit you. Term 3 of year 12 can be a high-pressure time, so start looking at options now to do a favour for your future self. Many of the tours require appointments, so make sure you book online. Can’t make it in person? No worries, many institutions offer live virtual tours or Q&A sessions.




DISS Program

DISS. The Doctors in Schools program is available to all students. You can book an appointment through the Hotdoc app. To book, look for bookings under Lister House, Horsham College, as the location with Dr Shah. If you have any medical concerns or questions, you can make an appointment with Dr Shah. Well-being can help you schedule these appointments. All medical appointments are treated as such and are confidential.


Upcoming Dates

Year 11 Study Day– Wednesday 13th September

Last Day of Term, Footy Colours Free Dress– Friday 15th September


Year 11 Chemistry excursion - Earth Ed, Ballarat

The Year 11 Chemistry class left early on the bus for the Earth Ed centre in Ballarat on Wednesday, September 6. After a short introductory activity with Phoenix College who also attended, we started our activities looking at whether the water at Lal Lal reservoir and its treatment plant show signs of contamination. The experiments involved calibration curves, ultra violet (UV) analysis and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS).


The first experiment we did was to determine whether two different samples of water had iron contamination. Once the samples were prepared they were tested by shining UV light through them. The more light that was absorbed, the more contaminated the sample was. The second experiment we did investigated the contamination of water samples with copper using AAS. Two of the samples tested had levels of contamination that were unacceptable for human drinking. The last experiment involved analysing the concentration levels of calcium or nitrates in solutions. One of our Horsham College groups managed to achieve a near perfect result for the determination of nitrate concentration!


The overall experience at Earth Ed was very enjoyable. 


The Year 11 Chemistry class of 2023