What Did You Do At School?

We have had a delightful start to our final term as Prep students! We cannot believe how fast this year has gone, and we are treasuring every day! Some of our highlights have been learning and exploring our creative nature in Integrated Studies, swimming lessons, and beginning our Writing Celebration. Our focus this term for Integrated Studies is to express the unique ways that God has designed us to be imaginative. We enjoyed crafting a box creation and making a paper puppet that looked just like us using special materials. In Week 2, we were overjoyed with excitement for swimming lessons. It was amazing watching our skills grow as we learned to have fun and be safe in the water. Lastly, our Writing Celebration is underway! We have all chosen a special animal character and thought about some descriptive adjectives that reflect our animal’s personality. We are thrilled to bring our characters to life by writing our very own narrative!
Year 1
Hello from the Year 1 Tribe!
One of the most recent challenges in Integrated Studies was for us to use a strip of paper to create a hat. However, we could not use a stapler, glue, or tape to attach the ends together. Could you complete the challenge? We have been exploring the concept of Creativity and the design process. We are eager to put these skills into practice to create our Robot Buddies later in the term.
Splash! Splash! In addition to stretching our brain muscles, we have also participated in a week of swimming lessons. We developed many vital swimming skills as well as important skills of working in groups, travelling on a bus safely, looking after our belongings and time management. We all did an amazing job!
Year 2
With a new term comes a new theme. This term’s theme in Integrated Studies is all about creativity and thinking outside the box to design and create new items to solve a problem. We have been looking at God's creation and have delighted in finding His design within nature. Take our lungs and trees, for example. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, while our lungs breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. The more we look, the more we are amazed. We can’t wait to plan, design and build our own robots to solve a problem.
Year 3
We have had a tremendous start to Term 4! At the end of Week 2, an animator from Toonworld visited to introduce us to the concept of stop motion. We crafted our own plasticine characters, planned our backdrop, took over 40 photos (each representing a frame) and designed our own sound effects. Our teachers were amazed by the storylines we created! We hope that you enjoy the videos below.
Tonight, Friday 20 October, we will have a sleepover at school! We have excitedly planned our bags and practised pumping our mattresses in preparation for an evening for this new experience together. We look forward to updating you on our adventures in the next Vine.
Year 4
We were very excited to have Toonworld visit to teach us all about stop motion. We made characters out of plasticine, designed a set using a screen and magnets and began taking a lot of photos. Each time we moved a character, we took another photo. We then learnt how to add voice effects and finished by presenting our animations to each other with lots of laughs all around. We look forward to using our new movie-making skills throughout our enquiry unit this term.
Year 3 & 4 Stop Motion Videos
Year 5
It is hard to believe we are in Term 4 already. One more term until we become Year 6 and the leaders of the Junior School. We are looking forward with great anticipation to our Leadership course with Mrs Liddle. Although we have been practising to be leaders all year, it will be wonderful to learn more about what leadership is and also how we can shine God’s love throughout the Junior school in 2024! Among this excitement, we have started working on our Writing Celebration. Looking back over our writing from the year, we have picked our favourite pieces and have been working hard on uplevelling them. Uplevelling means that we are using all our knowledge from VCOP to improve our writing. We are sure you all know that VCOP stands for Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation.
Year 6
Year 6 student, Hannah, embarked on a mission to interview her fellow peers. With a reporter’s mindset, she gathered the following answers.
Q: How are you feeling about Year 7?
1. Excited to learn new things.
2. Quite excited to see the new people come to the school.
3. Nervous and excited, plus ready to make new friends.
4. Very nervous and very excited, plus a little sad.
Q: What has been a funny memory of Year 6?
1. Rehearsing for Seussical.
2. Singing at lunch and recess and just having a good time.
3. Seeing everyone's Seussical makeup and costumes.
Q: Are you enjoying Year 6? Why?
1. Yes, because I get to learn new things and spend time with my friends.
2. Yes, because I have an amazing class and friends.
3. Yes, because I have amazing friends and have enjoyed all the new experiences this year has offered.
4. Yes, because I liked being in Seussical and also being in the last year of primary school.
5. Yes, because it is our last year of primary school.
6. Yes, because I am excited about graduation.