Canteen News
What a successful term we had. A big thank you for your patience and support as we got the canteen back up and running again.
Big shout out to our volunteers that have helped out! - Carly Azzam, Amy Catherine, Lee Congiu, Amanda Dirckze, Jessica Hobbs, Tanya Kavanagh, Tracey Kemp, Emily Lawrance, Colleen Lee, Angela Lemann, Lesley Munn, Stephen Munn, Anita Perera, Tracey Ralph, Leanne Seaffaro, Melinda Spiteri, Linda Spooner and Emily Woods.
Canteen would not be running without these amazing volunteers.
As a Canteen Volunteer, you have a great opportunity to contribute to a school experience that the students love and have a chance to meet other families and strengthen our community spirit. All volunteers must hold a valid Working With Children’s Check and have signed a Child Safety Code of Conduct. Please note that due to Occupational Health and Safety, pre-school aged siblings are not allowed onsite during canteen duty. This is also an excellent opportunity for other family members like grandparents to be involved in the life of our school.
There are typically two shifts 8:30am-11:30am and 11:00am -2:00pm (subject to change).
If you have any questions about the canteen volunteering, please contact the School Office, 9755 4222.
Helping out in the canteen is a lot of fun and is a great way to meet new people. If you are free once or twice a term on a Friday, please consider volunteering some time - if you would like any information, please email Your children will love seeing you there!
Thank you again and see you in Term 4.
Jinny and Jason
St Simon's Canteen
The St Simon's Canteen is open every Friday unless otherwise specified. Orders can be placed using the Quickcliq online ordering system here.
If you are new to QuickCliq, please view the instructions below on how to create an account and place an order.
A few reminders -
- Please ensure your order is in by 10am on Wednesday morning. If you place an order after this time, the order will automatically be placed for the following week (so please double check the dates).
- Please ensure you receive a confirmation email after placing your order to confirm your child's order has been submitted correctly.
- No cash orders.
- No late orders can be accepted.
- Please ensure your child's class is updated on Quickcliq to ensure their lunch is delivered to the correct classroom.
- If you have placed an order for your child and they are away on Friday, please email your child's name and class to before 9am on Friday so they can cancel your order and you will receive a refund.
- If you miss the 9am cancelling cut off on Friday you may contact the office and organise to collect your child's lunch from the school after 1.15pm.