What's been happening at Woodland Road?

Athletics Carnival, Public Speaking, Transition to High School, Regional Athletics, Stage 1 Zoo Excursion




Our students had a fun-filled day participating in our annual school Athletics Carnival earlier in the term. Well done to everyone on the effort and sportsmanship shown. Congratulations to our track and field placegetters!





Congratulations to the following students on winning their stage RSOD Public Speaking Competition:

Early Stage 1 - Owen Mylott

Stage 1 - Stella Cannon

Stage 2 - Lexcii Whitmore

Stage 3 - Abigail Henderson

Our winners will compete in the Network Final at Appin PS early next term.


Niamh Brassil (Stage 1) and Aya Osman (Stage 2) received Highly Commended in their stage categories.


Special mention also to all of our finalists:

Reyna Servania (ES1)

Neo Mulipola (ES1)

Madeline Murphy (ES1)

Layla O’Reilly (S1)

Kendall Gale (S1)

Charlotte Hain (S1)

Brayden Nelson (S2)

Sanskrit Singh (S2)

Valasi Sapini (S2)

Kaiden Hunt (S2)

Payton Sanderson (S2)

Leila Williams (S2)

Cora Harland (S3)

Phillip Rao (S3)


Well done to everyone who presented a speech in their class competition this year 🎉



Transition to High School Program


This week, all year 6 students participated in a Transition to High School Program. They were split into groups and were taught by four different teachers. Lessons included Computer or Food Technology, Modern or Ancient History, Art or Italian and Health or Physical Education. They all had to follow their timetables and find their learning spaces from a map. We hope this experience has better prepared them for high school.




Well done to the 39 students who represented our school at the Campbelltown PSSA Zone Athletics Championships on the 29th and 30th August. You all did yourselves and our school proud!


Special mention to Ryder Pearson and Brayden Nelson who qualified for the SSW Regional Championships, which were held on the 13th September. Ryder contested the 9 Years Boys 100m and 200m events, while Brayden contested the 8 Years Boys 100m. An exceptional achievement boys! Congratulations to you both!



Stage 1 Sydney Zoo Excursion


On Monday 28th August, Stage 1 attended their excursion to Sydney Zoo at Eastern Creek. Here is a recap from Jordan Sharma & Amelia Dunn in 1/2D:

Jordan: First, we hopped onto the bus from school. It was a 45 minute drive to Sydney Zoo. When we arrived, we had Munch and Crunch. While we were having Munch and Crunch, we saw ringtail lemurs - they’re very rare to see at the zoo. We walked to our educational workshops and a Sydney Zoo teacher showed us animals. We touched a Goliath Stick Insect, a python and a blue tongue lizard. We had to build a shelter for the lizard. He liked all of our shelters!

Amelia: After the workshop, we went to the Aquarium and we saw THREE CROCODILES! When we left the Aquarium we went across a small bridge to see the Koalas. We then went to the open area where we saw wallabies, red kangaroos and an emu, not in its cage where it was supposed to be, but with the kangaroos sleeping! We stopped for lunch and after we finished we walked towards the bigger bridge where we saw hyenas, lions, capybaras, nyalas, elephants, giraffes (Miss D’s favourite animal!) and rhinos! After a big day we went back on the bus on our way to school. 

Jordan & Amelia: It was a VERY fun day!