From the Principal

Principal: Mathew Montebello

Dear Families,


The Seaside Fair is fast approaching as the excitement builds up to the biggest day on the school calendar.

To support this upcoming event on Friday 10th November is casual clothes day, just bring in a filled Lucky Jar for one of the most popular stalls at the Fair!Some ideas to fill your empty jam jar: marbles, novelty erasers, mini stationery, hair clips, lip balm, matchbox cars, beads, Lego, stickers, wrapped lollies, balloons, keyrings, face paint, playing cards, yoyos, dinosaurs, glow sticks, bubbles..... 

To keep up to date with all you need to know about the Fair, follow us on our social media pages



High Speed Willy Kid

This weekend the MotoGP world will ascend upon the Phillip Island racetrack. In an amazing achievement Grade 6 student Nikolas is part of what is called the Oceania Junior Cup. The Oceania Junior Cup is a Junior Road Race Academy aimed at developing Oceania's next road racing stars, which Nikolas is part of. This is a huge achievement for such a young rider, which sees Nikolas races against riders 3-4 years his senior. We wish Nikolas all the best this weekend and we will keep an eye on this young stars Moto riding career.

Check out a recent interview below with Nikolas and his dad leading into the event. 



LAST CHANCE - 150 Years of Williamstown Primary, Coffee Table Book

Please ensure you get your orders in for the school’s 150 Years of Williamstown Primary School coffee table book. This hard cover commemorative book will only have one print run, making it a once in a lifetime purchase opportunity.

Books can be ordered via Compasstix in the link below and will be available approx. 2-3 weeks after orders close.

Orders close Friday 20th October

Purchase link:




Warm regards,

Mathew Montebello
