News from Year Four and Five

General news
Overall our class has settled into the final term for 2023 really well. We have been getting stuck into our new novel "Wonder" and the children have enjoyed reading this and comparing it to the scenes in the movie. Ms. Megan Urquhart has also settled in and the children have enjoyed having her in each Wednesday and Thursday.
Busy, Busy, Busy
It has also been a very busy time with swimming in the middle of the day from Monday to Thursday this week. It is a great opportunity to learn things in a different way and the children have been very content in the swimming pool.
With swimming and with production practice happening daily please be aware that the children are more tired than usual. During the afternoons we are trying to keep each afternoon low-key. The children are playing some chance and data games, listening to the novel "Wonder" or watching the "Wonder" movie. With everything that is going on we hope they won't be too tired for the weekend events.
As the production is fast approaching, costumes need to be brought in for the grade four students. A letter has gone home about this so if your child has not received this please contact Ms. Bourke. Make-up trials for the main characters have begun and some of your children may have come home looking quite different over the last few weeks.
Overall the children have been very excited and nervous this last week as the production nights draw closer. The whole school will be having a production dress rehearsal next Friday the 27th of October. Despite the nerves, the children are looking forward to the next few weeks and the excitement that is ahead.
Poetry Slam
Starting last week the children have been investigating the creative world of all things poetry. Over the next few weeks, they will be learning about various forms of poetry and recap on how to use figurative language to assist in making their poems that much better.
The children have already started exploring rhyming poems and are really enjoying making up poems about various topics. In a couple of weeks, the children will be presenting their favorite poems at a Poetry Slam event. The children can choose the level of difficulty for this presentation. For example, some children have chosen to present their poems at a whole school assembly or read them out loud to other classes. Others who have chosen to present their poem to a friend or a teacher. All the children have been learning about what Slam Poetry is and have witnessed some children in Slam Poetry events online. If you are interested I will endeavor to let you know in advance when the children are presenting their poems in assembly and we will try and have an afternoon where they read their poems to the class so you can come and be a part of this as well.
The final stretch
So all in all there is a lot going on and so much to look forward to. Some children may be feeling a mix of emotions at this time due to the different events. Others are also already thinking about next year and possible leadership opportunities, and changes in classes and teachers. Please reach out if there are any concerns or even if you want to touch base and let us know how amazing your child is doing. I love good news as well. Our door is always open and you are welcome to contact us via phone or email at any time. Looking forward to the last few months of year four and five.
Paula Durrant and Megan Urquhart