News from Foundation

Puppet Plays
Last Term for Inquiry we designed, created and developed our own puppet plays from Fairytale stories! The students made their own puppets using different materials such as paper, icy-pole sticks, foam and much more! This Term they had their puppet play presentations and they were amazing!! We are so proud of how well they spoke, the character voices they used and how well they remembered the stories!
Elijah and Archer- The Ugly Duckling
Spencer and Archie- The Gingerbread Man
Oscar and Brooklyn- Hansel and Gretel
Louisa and Teagan- Rapunzel
Ally and Rory- Cinderella
Our puppet play videos are on Facebook, if you would like to take a look!
This week for writing we have been talking about opinions- what they are and why we have them. Yesterday we talked about an animal we liked and had to give reasons for why we liked them! Check out our fantastic writing!
Last week the F/1/2's had some visitors from Upper Yarra Secondary School! A few of the year 8 students came and read us their children's picture books that they had written! It was wonderful to hear their stories and we even got to keep them to read them in the classroom!