Physical Education

This week we commenced our annual swim program. It's great to see the enthusiasm all the students bring to the pool. It's amazing how much improvement the students make in just a few sessions over consecutive days.
We'll look forward to the program continuing next week.
The 3-6 students all headed to Maroondah Dam Reserve on Friday to participate in the annual Upper Yarra Sports District's Orienteering Day.
Challenged by the heat and boggy ground, most students completed the course, several with great success.
Year 6 girls - Jade and Ruby S 1st and 2nd.
Year 6 boys - Lenny 2nd
Year 5 boys - Jack 1st
Year 3 boys pairs - Noah V and Parker V 3rd
It's a great challenge for all students to just complete the course accurately and there is an extra incentive for the more energetic students to compete as it is a timed event.
We managed to have a successful P.E. session on Tuesday to prepare for this event. We tried multiple times the previous week to prepare with some short courses, but as it is October in Victoria, we were rained out.
Years F, 1 & 2 wanted to try orienteering in their P.E. class too. They did a great job reading the maps, locating the controls and punching their cards.