Classroom News

Foundation Miss Bennett
Welcome back to Term 4! Can you believe we are here already? There has been so much learning from Term 1 to now for our Foundies. We are looking forward to more learning before we finish off our year together.
During the last two weeks the students have been busy beginning their maths units in Money and Mass. They enjoyed playing with the scales and measuring different classroom objects and really loved getting to look and play with the Australian money and talking about what we have noticed.
In Literacy the Foundies have been ON-FIRE with their learning of digraphs. This week they worked on the digraph 'ph' like in the words photo and elephant. They really enjoyed coming up with words that start with this digraph.
In religion this term we are learning about how we are all "Called to Live Like Jesus". To encourage this the students had to complete a kindness activity where they were given a classmate's name in secret and they had to write something kind about that person. At the end of the lesson the students gave these to the person they wrote about. We spoke about how being a bucket filler made us feel and how important it is to be kind to others.
Grade 1-2 Miss Hayes
This Term our Inquiry topic is ‘Geography’. Over this week and last students have been exploring the states and territories of Australia. Next week we will be exploring the oceans and continents and using language such as ‘near’ and ‘far’ when talking about different locations.
Last week we finished our Division unit in Maths and now we have started exploring our Fractions unit. In our first lesson students began looking at the different colours that make up the caterpillar that they had created with a partner. We focused on the language ‘out of’.
Hudson & George - 1 out of 4 are blue. 1 out of 4 are pink. 2 out of 4 are brown.
Ryder & Addison - 2 out of 5 are green. 1 out of 5 are pink.
Eden & James - 2 out of 6 are black. 4 out of 6 are red.
Carter & Alex - 3 out of 7 are yellow. 1 out of 7 are green. 1 out of 7 are lime green.
Daphne & Arabella - 2 out of 4 are orange. 1 out of 4 are pink. 1 out of 4 are blue.
Lani & Ollie - 2 out of 4 are purple. 2 out of 4 are blue.
Phoebe & Sydnee - 2 out of 5 are blue. 2 out of 5 are purple. 1 out of 5 are red.
Grade 1-2 Miss Hart
Can you believe it is already Term 4? We have so much in store for the remainder of the Term and we cannot wait to get into our learning and share it with you all. Over the past 2 weeks, we have already smashed so many learning opportunities and have had so much fun doing it. So much learning has already happened over the past two weeks, so here is a little snippet of what we’ve been up to.
In Maths, we have started the topic of Location and Transformation. So far, we have spoken about and utilised our prior and new knowledge of ‘positional language’ to assist our blindfolded partners through a marked out path as well as some awesome ‘mapping’ games. The students have been absolutely loving these opportunities to get outside and follow our peers directions.
In the Literacy unit we have been learning about conjunctions in compound sentences and modal verbs to change the tone of our simple sentences. Here are students sentences:
“The boy must wear his safety gear when kayaking.”
“I did not go to the zoo because it was raining.”
“The boy was sad because he lost his toy.”
“She closed the gate so that the dog would not escape.”
In Religion, we have been learning about how we can follow in God’s footsteps and be part of his mission. This has sparked conversations of how we can help others, how we can share with others, how we can care for others, the way that we show love and the way that Jesus shows love. As a class we came up with the following definitions for caring and sharing:
“Caring is showing kindness and concern to other people.”
“Sharing is giving something to others.”
Grade 3-4 Mrs Stock
I can't believe that we are in Term 4 already! This year has flown by. We have lots of fun things to look forward to this term. The Summer Sports which were meant to be held next week will now be held on November the 3rd.
The 3/4 students have been busy learning about Decimals and Mass in Mathematics. They have been able to make the connection with fractions and find their equivalent decimal. They enjoyed playing a fraction/decimal dominoes game and have been working together to improve their time to complete this task.
In Inquiry, they have begun learning about the states and territories of Australia. They have been focusing on Victoria and the Northern Territory this week. Early finishers this week enjoyed putting the Australia and World puzzle together.
Grade 3-4 Mrs Crosbie
Over the past few weeks the students in Grade 3/4 have been working on the maths concept of decimals. We have been focusing on the values of numbers when they appear on the right side of the decimal point, tenths, hundredths and thousands. We have also compared the value of the numbers using the bigger than and smaller than sign and have also explored rounding numbers to the nearest tenth. We have participated in many activities and games which have helped us understand what decimal numbers are and how we use them.
Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen
The senior classroom buzzing with excitement for the start of Term 4. Here's a glimpse of the fantastic things our students have been up to:
Reading Fluency Pairs:
Our students have been diving into reading with a twist - fluency pairs. They read to their classmates and get valuable feedback and questions in return. This practice is all about honing their reading skills and making it a smooth, enjoyable process.
Exploring 'The Lost Thing':
We've been on an adventure with Shaun Tan's 'The Lost Thing,' a captivating text that delves into first-person storytelling. Students have had a blast identifying first and third person voices and crafting sentences that show off their newfound skills.
Math Adventures with Decimals and Percentages:
Our math explorers have been journeying through the land of decimals and percentages, learning that the place value system extends into decimals. They've also been connecting the dots between decimals and fractions - an essential foundation for their mathematical adventures.
Mental Health Chat with Headspace:
We were lucky to have Jayden from Headspace drop by to talk about the vital services that Headspace offers. He also shed light on recognizing when you might not be feeling like yourself and the importance of reaching out for help when needed. Mental health and well-being are priorities in our classroom.
Inquiry into the World Map:
The world map has been our playground as we've explored continents, oceans, and the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. It's been a fantastic journey in geography, and our students are discovering the wonders of our world.