Prep A - Archie R - For your consideration of text features to identify the genre of a text and sharing your thoughts during guided reading groups. Keep it up Arch!

Prep B - Willow S - Developing her confidence when trying new learning tasks in the classroom. It is great to see you trying your best Willow, keep it up! 

12A - Jaxon R - For kick starting the term with a bang ! Keep up the amazing work buddy !! 

12B - Owen G - For super work giving directions, describing locations and drawing maps. Keep up the great work 

12C - Phoenix L-H - For an outstanding first week back in the classroom. Keep up the amazing work buddy!

34A - Zenith D - For coming back from holidays with a renewed energy for learning. So good to see you trying hard Zen!

34B - Jida M-D - For starting Term 4 off right, putting all of your effort into your work and producing amazing results. Keep working hard! 

34C - Aylah D - For her amazing dedication and enthusiasm towards her reading! 

56A - Ned W - For always being an outstanding role model to his peers! You’re a superstar Ned! 

56B - Layla O - For working hard during the Reading Workshop to achieve her goal of summarising.

56C - Jett P - For being a kind and friendly Eastie who is just an all round great kid. We are lucky to have you in our classroom and at East Jett. 

56D - Cadie B - For being focused during lessons and completing all her work to a high standard. Well done!




Prep A - Carter P - Your excitement towards informal measurements when exploring length. Well done on finding a variety of ways you could measure and comparing their efficiency. 

12A - Brax R - For being able to use positional language to describe his location. Great job using your words, keep up the amazing work !! 

34B - Harrison R - For your solid understanding of division by 2s, 5s and 10s. Well done, buddy! 

56D - Stella B - For her determination and resilience this week solving maths problems involving the calculation of discounts. Well done Stella!



Prep A - Ivy M - For seeking help to brainstorm her ideas to support her narrative writing. I love how you gave your character a name when introducing them. Keep it up Ivy!

12A - Maya P - For being an all round legend in our literacy blocks and trying your best in all aspects of your reading. Keep it up !!   

34B - Jida M-D - For the amazing effort you are putting into writing your biography about Steph Curry. I love your focus and passion! 

56D - Casey K - for applying the TEEL strategy and writing great paragraphs during this week. Well done, Casey!