Religious Education 

& Faith Life

Year 9 Retreat

In Week 8, the Year 9 students participated in a faith retreat day based on the theme of Respectful Relationships, led by Faith Retreats. The students reflected upon themes such as personal needs in relationships, loving others in a Christ-like manner, and navigating challenging social pressures. The day also included discussions and activities focussing on healthy relationships, forgiveness, living authentically, and God's personal love for us, centred around the Four Harmonious Relationships - relationship with God, Self, Others, and Creation. 

The students had the chance to participated in fun and energetic group activities and activities that encouraged interaction with peers. Student also had the opportunity to think and reflect, discuss, ask questions, and share plenty of laughs and insights around these important topics. The feedback from teachers and students was very positive and the students expressed an appreciation for the new awareness they gained on the day. Hopefully, the day initiated some interesting discussions at home with parents and carers too! 

Thank you to Karl, Bridget, and Ali at Faith Retreats for creating an engaging and thought-provoking retreat for our wonderful Year 9s.

Altar Servers Retreat Day

We would like to invite all Year 4 students who had recently received their First Holy Communion to come forward to serve in the Altar Ministry! If you feel called to be part of this Ministry, come and join us at the Altar Servers Retreat Day on Saturday 14 October at 10am to 1pm.


All experienced Altar Servers are welcome too! 


Please register your interest at